When I was still in high school I was both in charge of layout and responsible for the monthly comic. Actually, I didn't want to be the comic artist, but my editor/friend forced me into it. I decided to paste the little buggers on the Internet just so I could continue torturing people. Yay for me.

Break the rules, feed the artist.

Doesn't he look happy? At the Local Pub :: The first comic ever. The art style changes drastically between this and next comic posted because a huge gap of time passes for me and I lost the comics inbetween. Oops. The character doesn't want anyone to know his name... thus he doesn't have one.
Revenge! XD The World's Remote Control :: He has sisters. Three of them. All older. The one featured here is the youngest of the sisters, but she is still quite a bit older than him. His toy broke later and he was sad (as much as he can for being nearly emotionless). I never draw the cynic working, so I assume he lost his job.
Avon calling! Telephone Calls :: What else would he do when he was bored? Be social?
Peace to the world, leave me alone Christmas Special :: My editor wanted something Christmas-y for the December issue of the school paper so I said acquiesed and gave her this. She expected it - after all, we've been together for three years now in classes and two years afterschool at layout. She's gotten to know my cynical/sarcastic side.
Jeremy, the Yin to the Yang Family Ties :: Just to explain why the cynic is the way he is, and to introduce the only human he can tolerate - his roommate Jeremy! XD
Love is in the Air Valentine's Day Sucks :: Cynic hates holidays. Hates them good.
So it /does/ work... Candy and the Ebola Virus :: Second half to the previous comic. The questions of why he never dates is answered and the question of why Jer puts up with him rises.
Blah The Great Escape on a College Budget :: My friends thought this one was especially funny for some reason. Could have been because it appeared in the paper towards the end of school... Sick sick references in here, but no one might get them but me.
Empty bliss Farewell Came All Too Soon :: Or not soon enough, if you ask him. The final comic ever drawn. I'm supposed to be doing more of them, but we'll see if I stick to that plan or abandon it like Subaru did Kamui in Wankage. Oh! and cynic in a 3/4 profile, the first and only. ...yay.