Saturday 6 September 2003
Listening to: Voiceless Screaming, X/Japan
Do I even watch PoT? No. XD But I know what team I would be on!
The scappy good hearted underdogs with something to
prove, oh yeah baby! Plus you get to be on the
same team with Kamio and Shinji, that's worth
being compared to alley cats all the time eh...

Which Prince of Tennis team do you belong on?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yup yup. It's the end of Dry Week, everyone's out partying, I'm sitting here. Twas invited to go to the party (and not drink as I really hate alcohol), but it just didn't seem all that interesting. It's a big dance (I'm not big on social dances unless it's a club-type environment) and drinking. And more drinking. So, eh... Bwah.

Nummy 6:59PM

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Friday 5 September 2003
Listening to: fans

Developments of the day: rode to the Print/Copy shop today on my bike and it killed me because I'm pathetically out of shape. Yet this means that by the time I'm actually able to take Fencing maybe I'll have leg muscle on my short legs. Yay! Went to dinner and it was crowded beyond belief because it was Sushi Night. I need to make gohan for myself... >_< But but! I'm part of the Army of Spam Eating Asians even though I don't eat Spam! XD /happy dance of joy/

Things to do:
- Draw Nataku as Rose Bride (there's a story behind this...)
- Draw picture from an old series
- Do a Sirius Layout

About the Nataku as Rose Bride thing. I met someone through a chat with a friend of mine, Lexi, and her friends and they were from NorCal so we started having a duel. Shinks had Lexi as her Rose Bride and I got Nataku. XXXXD I must draw this picture. And the one that I've bandied about with Nataku and The Frog. XXXD Maybe that'll be a layout. >D

Nummy 10:01PM

Listening to: No One's Listening [Acoustic], Goo Goo Dolls

Our trash cans came back! /does a happy dance/ XD It's really random, but we were missing our trash can since last week and it came back yesterday. /happy dance/ This is a big deal for me. ... /coughs/

Nummy 3:12PM

Listening to: fans...

Ugh, so groggy. Found The Advertising Slogan Generator. This is fun and well worth the waste of time. Recently I've done:

- Uke is our middle name.
- You can do it if you seme it.
- Make Room For The Apocalypse.
- Don't Forget The Engrish, Mum.
- Ring Around the Pocky Gets Your Whole Wash Clean.
- My Destiny to Yours.

That last one sounds like a Hallmark greeting card Fuuma would send to Kamui on Valentine's Day just to piss him off. And how appropriate that right after I did Engrish, there's a nonsense slogan about Pocky? Yay.

Nummy 10:17AM

Listening to: The Starry Sky, HAL

Everyone~! There's a Megatokyo doujin online and Shadow-chi has drawings in it. You should go buy it. Yay~

Nummy 12:36AM

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Thursday 4 September 2003
Listening to: Fans...again

Found an interesting site. It's a website based RPG about vampires that some quiz recommended to me and it is indeed quite fun. I'm a master vampire (i.e. I wasn't sired) and it's just rather interesting. Don't know what else this place does, but it will entertain me for a bit. Go here if you just want to start playing. If you want me to sire you, contact me on AIM or through e-mail and I'll send you a different link. If I sire you, I get free points. Please? ^_^; XD Already sired two vampires and am having fun~

Nummy 12:49PM

Listening to: Fans

Oh my flippin' god, you have no idea how happy I am that someone did this and I got him~!

Ted: Food & Wine Connoisseur

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
brought to you by Quizilla

Queer Eye makes my life.

Nummy 10:13AM

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Wednesday 3 September 2003
Listening to: Century Jack, TB

Took the long trek to go order a book. Half a freakin' hour to get down there by foot. I'm taking Bike-kun next time...Bike-kun needs a better name. XD Like my car! Found out that I already owned Loki 1 and now I own Spiral 1-3~ Had Domino's pizza with pineapple tonight with my roommate and twas tasty~ I really hate the walk to the printer' was long and hot and gwah, I wanted my Bike-kun.

Social bloggage de pon~!
MD-san, thanks for the compliment on the blog. Coming from such an erai-hito as you, it's truly a compliment. ^_^
Bridget-san mo erai hito~ XD I feel so honored to have gotten noticed by you both~
I need to go bug Hika later...I tried to find her at the dorms, but that didn't work. So Hika-pi if you're reading, fiiiiind me. I missed you at class today. ;_; And I have Juuni Kokki love to spread like candy but I need someone to indulge with me~ XO
Ko-san, glad to hear that you're back safe and sound and best of luck in getting that internet up and running.
Wired, if you're reading, I want to beta-read your manga~ XO~ I've been reading your posts and you have my attention and any skills I might have to help you~ Best of luck with school, I remember being the last to be picked as well. Just means that you get the chance to snark at people when they're not looking without worry of getting in trouble, I least that's what I did. ^^; Am not a gym person...

Doing tarot for people. I wish it were my job, but then I would probably suck at it so I guess I shouldn't get people to pay for the readings. = manga = sex!y bishounen = Kaze happiness. Yummm....

Nummy 10:15PM

Listening to: Silence...again

Juuni Kokki rocks my world. I now own episodes 31-42 and I am happy beyond comparison. Yay for BitTorrent and their free-ness. Also own Spiral 1 and will soon own Loki 1 and E's Otherwise 1. Yay for me. Classes started yesterday at 8:10AM and I was able to add my Japanese class. Today I have two classes and a trip across the Village on my bike to do. <sarcasm> Yay! </sarcasm> Elizabethan Shakespeare looks like it shall be much fun and I like my Writing50 professor as well. ^_^ Japanese is always good, but I am experiencing a digression in my language skills as I cannot yet understand all that is going on in class. It happened to me when I went to MIIS as well, so I'm hoping I'll just catch up pretty soon. Otherwise class is okay. Core was rather...boring, but it just served to teach me how much I'm going to HATE lectures. Must go buy plane tickets home for Fall Break which is surprisingly soon...

Nummy 12:23AM

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Monday 1 September 2003
Listening to: Silence

The sink overflowed this morning and spread out all over the floor. It would have been amusing if some sort of black sewage like thing didn't come up with it and if I hadn't had to try to stop the water with one of my roommates. Grody water, but now it's fixed and the carpet has been cleaned. However, now our recycle can is missing while our trash can from two nights ago is STILL gone. XO~ Registered for classes, I have to attempt to steal into the Japanese class at 8:10 tomorrow. WHEE~

Nummy 2:39AM

Listening to: The Last Song, X/Japan

Recent hit: juuni +kokki +Youko +man +love. Hmmm.... XD

Nummy 2:39AM

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Sunday 31 August 2003
Listening to: The Last Song, X/Japan

New comic that Meimi set me on and chara selector to boot!

You're Apollo. Easy going, laid-back, and friendly to everyone. Except those who would try to pull anything on those you care about, in which case you have no problems confronting them. You have a strong loyalty and 'Big Brother' attachment to those around you, and therefore do your best to help them in need. Schism quiz by Sol.

Tis called Schism and is well worth the read. Go! Oh and am I over the whole asexual thing? Not really, but I've decided that I'm just not going to look until it happens. Until then, no interest, don't care.

Nummy 1:56AM

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Saturday 30 August 2003
Listening to: Butterfly, DDR

It's decided, I'm going the route of Collin and becoming asexual. I hate social functions.

Nummy 11:45PM

Listening to: Stomp to My Beat, DDR

DDR song download spree~! XXXXD Yay for Ethernet~! Books for Core 1 class are expensive~ My legs feel like they're dying~ Gay Bake was fun to read~ "My....groin-age..." XXXXD Finished Arcana today and loved it~ Pretty art~ Yesterday I did go to the 'dance' for all of five minutes, felt completely out of place and left~ The observatory was packed and couldn't see Mars~ Target in Claremont is bloody huge~ I love Gay Bake~! XD

Nummy 6:00PM

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Friday 29 August 2003
Listening to: The eerie comfort of silence

Love my advisor. He's French and cool. Yay, but there might be a possibility of no Tai Chi for me... Sadness. And my Survey of British Lit class is closed suddenly without me. Grr, must go talk to Advisor-san about that. He should have a nifty title. Will give him one later. Going out to the Observatory with people to view Mars while entirely skipping on the 'Dance' at Pomona which is just a "matchmaking event" as someone explained it to me. Apparently it's the first time that the 5-C freshmen get together at once. Eh, I'll go to the Carnival. Then I'll die because I'm tired and my legs hurt like crazy for some very odd and unknown reason. Yay!

Nummy 7:27PM

Listening to: Anemone, L'Arc

At Scripps, settled and unpacked. The roomies are very cool and much fun to hang out/talk to. Met many interesting people including someone who has studied abroad in Spain, traveled to El Savador, been on a crew team and currently lives in Burlingame about two hours from my house. The room is a fairly large triple and Fuuma, Kakyou, and Nataku are enjoying their new homes. Simple run-down: it's college and it's not so bad. The bed is a bottom bunk (which I like, no sick comments although I'm sure I made them myself) and has many home blankets so it doesn't smell weird. I'm well organized and didn't have nearly half as much as I thought I'd have, but that's a good thing. Met up with Mikarin Hikaru, or Hika at school and she's uber-cool. XD It's always fun to find new fangirls to rant about with. We both love Wankage, so props to you, Ko, Kim, Rachel, and Issa. You've spread the word. Took the Japanese placement (twas fun) and the Math Placement Test From Hell and am about to go to lunch. I have meetings up the wazoo and a tea with the Asian American Sponsor Union later. Yay~! Hika, I love her art and she introduced me to Gay-Bake. Pretty art and, so I'm uber-happy. Blogging might be a bit dodgy as sometimes the Scripps network just can't seem to find Tripod... ><

Nummy 12:43PM

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Tuesday 26 August 2003
Listening to: Fuuma whirring

Tis almost time to leave. I go off to the campus tomorrow around the morning time or something and will be stuck in a car for about six hours. Fuuma had his lovely upgrade to Windows(Devil!)XP and his 2GB RDRAM upgrade so he's whirring quite happily. Kakyou remains the same except with a rather unsettling blue nav bar due to the Devil!XP system. Nataku no longer works because it wasn't 'compatible' with the Devil. /sniggers/ Anyway... Packing almost done save for a few minor things to put away and Kaze is saddened muchly because she does not like leaving comfort zones despite her strange affinty to just wandering off when the mood hits her. Will be off the 'net for a few days, or at least until I get to campus and set Fuuma up with spiffy connection. Since I have no idea how Scripps will run its orientation/internet thingy this might actually take awhile. I wonder if everyone else is as stupidly clueless as I am about going to college. >.< Grarh.

Nummy 7:50PM

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Sunday 24 August 2003
Listening to: corsican corridor, NOIR OST

Packing for college. I hate clothes. XO~ Realized yesterday that I had much willpower in not buying more Dragon Knights while at Kino's since I am now at volume 10 and Leslie gave me volume 16 leaving a rather large and unsightly gap in the collection. Am very proud of me for only buying the Copic inking pens that I set out to buy. Good Kaze. ... I wanted the manga dammit. It will be my translation project for college; go me.

Must pack... must... pack... Meh.

Nummy 3:23PM

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Saturday 23 August 2003
Listening to: Stay Away ~Truly Barbie Forest, L'Arc

...that entry depressed me so I'm updating it more. People who haven't seen Juuni Kokki need to see it NOW. That series rocks me hard and I watched it at Leslie's house. It's based on a best-selling novel series in Japan and the anime is still going. As we all know, novels DO NOT sell in Japan so for it to be a 'best-seller' it has to be good - and it is. We all love chibi-Taiki and how Keiki (voiced by the irrepressible Koyasu Takehito) acts like a nagging housewife to Nakajima Youko (main character who I SWEAR gets cool after the 4th episode, voiced by XD XD Hisakawa Aya who is GOD). Basic plot is kinda simple at first, but the intricate ways the author wove in character, development, and storyline just blows me away. People you see just briefly in the beginning become uber-important later and you can bet that any character with more than two lines is going to end up being vital or popping up again. Asano (otherwise known as "The Useless Boy" and voiced by Yuuji Ueda) is generally cute, then goes insane, and I wuvvle him even while I mock his inability to do anything remotely useful. I cannot stress enough how much we love chibi-Taiki. We LOVE chibi-Taiki. And Rakushuun who just kicks ass and sets everyone straight by being a cool half-beast rat man. He needs to be human more often...I love him. Juuni Kokki. Go watch it. It will rock you hard if you can hang in there. I marathoned as much as I could in a day and all I wanted was more. XD

Want to know what Juuni Kokki is actually about? Go here. ...And then I read the news update and I want to cry. XO~ They're ending it at episode 45 for a hiatus until they can complete the conversion of the novel series into anime since, apparently, the novels are still going too. If they kill the series at 45 I'll wring someone's neck. I love this series beyond comprehension as it feeds every single one of my needs: bishounen, plot (good plot, VERY good plot), characters that make me want to scream, characters that make me want to change my life, development and history, realism, fantasy, beautiful animation, beautiful music... I'm going off to cry because this series should NEVER end, but it just might. ;_____;

Nummy 9:08PM

Listening to: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, Monty Python

Archive de pon! I have no idea why I keep saying that, but I do so people must deal. No feedback on art and site sucks. I generally don't complain about things like that, but right now...I'm tired and slightly depressed because very soon I will be leaving for college. Drove to San Jose today and back. Driving tends to make me very tired and I was already tired to begin with so I'm just on the verge of being exhausted, but I'm going to get a guestbook for this site and for Whispered Nothings and watch it be filled with nothing because I'm just a sucker for more things to make me feel invisible.

Bought new parts for Fuuma including Microsoft(Devil!)XP and 2GB of RDRAM. This means that I will have a spiffy fast computer at Scripps while the parents will buy a new computer and have it be slower than mine. I feel slightly bad. That and there was no PS1 at Fry's which just generally ticked me off because I'm not about to buy a PS2 just for DDR since that is my only real reason for buying PS1 at all. ...that and Final Fantasy because Squaresoft eats souls and has begun to think that mine might be rather tasty despite being rather unfilling since it has been rented out to so many people (CLAMP, Sugisaki, friends, family, ...stuff...). I would talk about the trauma that I had for the past three days, but I don't really want to recall it at all and I'm extremely paranoid right now. To sum up the past two or three days in a few words: I wanted to die quickly as a means of escape and ended up spending three days in a row at my cousin's house instead. I can't believe how happy Life can be while it shoves red-hot pokers into your eye.

Nummy 8:38PM

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