Sunday 13 July 2003
Listening to: Headstrong, Trapt

I feel the need to say just how much I love Commander Data from Star Trek. Just watched ST: Nemesis with the family and...well... I normally don't get these ideas when watching movies, but for some reason Jean Luc and his little clone guy Shinzon or something were really slashy. I don't go for ST slash. EVER. But at the end, Shinzon leans forward and says, "I'm glad we're together now" just before he joins the cast of dead villains. And Data, god I love you man, but the obsessive way you try to protect Picard just scares the crap out of me. For those of you who spared themselves and did not see Nemesis the following will make no sense: *cries*

Kakigori~! 10:00PM

Listening to: Kaze ni Kienaide, L'Arc


You're Yami's 'Oh, it's YOU.' look, implying that
you think that most people don't have enough
brain cells to function normally or that Mai is
a ho. One or the other...

Which Yu-Gi-Oh Expression Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Fuyuki Shido: You're Shido, you act generally annoyed by the world, but under this mask there is a kind and compassionate heart. You have the ability to really communicate with animals and generally prefer them over people.

which getbackers anime character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Didn't keep the image because this page is getting graphics heavy. Grr.

Kakigori~! 7:13PM

Listening to: Shi no Hai, L'Arc

My ear just did this weird buzzing/vibrating thing. Does that ever happen to anyone else? I just had the pissiest moment so, by all accounts, I'll share it with the unassuming public. Why the hell do people who aren't doing anything yell at other people who aren't "doing anything" for not doing anything? Sometimes I just feel like flipping people a backwards peace sign while screaming "I'M F*CKING BRITISH!!!!!" at the top of my lungs. It's a very anti-social thing to get fed up with dealing with people, but more and more it seems to be happening. Maybe it's just stupidity and hypocrisy I'm losing patience with - probably because sometimes I'm even guilty of it and that just sets me off. So yes, I don't just yell at other people inside my head, I do it to myself. Gah. It's my blog; fear the venting that will happen. Yet, for the record, let's set one thing straight here: two people cannot do the ironing together with only ONE FRICKIN' IRON.

Kakigori~! 6:15PM

Listening to: Bent, Matchbox 20

I've been on an English rock/music kick lately. But this is the first time in a while that I haven't blogged during a Dashboard Confessional song. It feels so freeing. Ko, you feed my obsession like no one else. ^_^ Thank you.

Type 12: Subaru/Seishirou. The ultimate
love/hate/angsty pairing. They love to hate
each other, but it doesn't end well.

What Type Of Yaoi Couples Are You Drawn To?
brought to you by Quizilla

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

The weird thing is - change one answer to "Existing" rather than the one I chose here and my feeling is Anger. Hm... Go read the Great Cereal Mastermind. GO.

Kakigori~! 4:25PM
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Saturday 12 July 2003
Listening to: For You to Notice, DC

Almost a week of continuous posting. Go me! Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Someone whose blog I cannot find and do not know summed up the movie perfectly: "Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom didn't have sex at all in the movie. Not even once." TENSION, darn it, there was TENSION. Thick as paint it was. Jack Sparrow (Captain Jack Sparrow) prances wherever he goes and he does the most outlandish things by just walking. Or by running...people should go see the movie just to see Jack Sparrow run. ^_^ I adored the movie for many reasons and I will have to go see it again. The humor was pretty good - not uproariously hilarious, but pretty good at any rate. Some of the lines were predictable, but the movie as a whole was entertaining and moved at just the right rate to make sure that I never got bored. Fight choreography was very good and the number of swords Will Turner kept around the blacksmith shop was just bordering on obsessive. There wasn't a whole lot of acting that needed to be done, but the cast did a good job at it. Heh, new word: Savvy. Found it to be quirky and interesting. Useage: Go to see the movie, savvy? Sort of like "do you understand/agree/comprehend?"

Must make a new layout... And archive. Hmm... *beats the rolling ellipses*

Kakigori~! 5:26PM
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Friday 11 July 2003
Listening to: Perfect [Acoustic], Stabbing Westward

XD Updatey at Vault 711. See Sirius' magically shrinking pants! XD PAHNTS. No new Voldie, but hey: new Sirius and Lupin so it's all good.

Kakigori~! 4:53PM

Listening to: Living In Your Letters, DC

Don't you always hate that morning when you wake up and say, "I have something to do today. Hmm...what was it again?" and then you roll over and fall asleep again? Oh, yeah. Lovely morning. Somehow or another I have to get a birthday present ready for a friend of mine whose party is today/tomorrow - and by some stroke of un-luck I have no idea what to get her. Luckily, neither does anyone else. DAMN. I will be archiving soon. This page is getting too big.

Went on a fonts hunting spree yesterday at about 10:00PM. Fonts and brushes. Yes. Need better brushes and fonts because I'm getting tired of using the same fonts over and over again on my layouts. Grr. And with the updated brushes, maybe I can FINALLY make that Nightcrawler layout I want. ~^______^~ I Am Happy.

Kakigori~! 2:54PM
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Thursday 10 July 2003
Listening to: For You to Notice, DC

So all my books but one are sold. I sold them cheap. Hah. But the last book to sell is my Calculus book. I now cry because I remember Calculus and how much it made me want to cry. I suck at math.

Heh, hi there Hsiu. ^_^ Yes, I do indeed do the slashy everything fanworks. It amuses my brain. And if we fed people to Voldie, would Peter have to mush them into a bottle? Hmm... thoughts, thoughts. Vault 711 is just plain fun and the joy should spread.

About the whole "day" thing - went to see Nemo for my third time with a guy friend of mine. ^_^ Had a great time. Yay for movies and the fun had at them. I can't wait until Pixar's contract runs out, just so I can hear Disney's collective scream of "WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO NOW?!" I can't wait for The Return of the King; I saw a movie poster for it today and now I am uber-jazzed. XD Yah!

Dear god I love the internet. Thanks to and Opacity, I may be able to make better layouts. How I love to learn.

Kakigori~! 9:31PM

Listening to: Screaming Infidelities, Dashboard Confessional (DC)

EMO. Hah.

Kaze's High School Books: We're sitting uselessly in Kaze's room and cluttering the floor! >D *evil laugh (tm)*
Kaze: *whips out a cardboard box* You're getting SOLD today!
KHSB: Nooooooooooooo!!!
Kaze: *triumph*

Ooooh, look - a morning entry. Blasphemy!

Kakigori~! 10:52AM
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Wednesday 9 July 2003
Listening to: Ningyou Hime, Chobits

Ah, lovely lovely updates. Went to the doctor today, and the people for the Air Force were wrong. I don't have high blood pressure I have amazingly LOW blood pressure. Sites I have found this week that are really worth checking out:
1) Vault 711 :: Great Harry Potter stick figure comics - with lots of SiriusxLupin (as it should be)
2) Eric Conveys an Emotion :: Difficult to describe...just go there
3) The Happy Valley Puppy Farm :: Puppy fic should rule the world (SiriusxLupin fic)
4) Fish Garden :: Seriously beautiful Japanese fanwork page. I give you my soul.

And those have consumed my soul. Have you all read The Great Cereal Mastermind yet? I know you have.

Kakigori~! 8:34PM

Listening to: Again I Go Unnoticed, Dashboard Confessional

Meimi, I blame you. I never thought in a million years that I would EVER read a Smallville fic. I don't even watch Smallville, but last night she had me reading two fics... And both of them were Lex/Clark. *sigh* Apparently the gay in Smallville makes up for the lack of plot, events, character depth, etc. And then I read an Andrew fic. Let me explain how much I loved Andrew from Buffy - just like I loved Jonathan and never really knew. Andrew is the token goof-up geek possibly gay in the closet character that just speaks to me. He talks about episodes of Star Trek and D&D because it's his life; his only life. He doesn't socialize very well, but he's adorably cute in a strange spasmodic sort of way. I've always loved and worried about Andrew; just as I loved and worried about Jonathan. No one respects him, no one listens to him, and even when he's being a pain in the royal arse he's still rather funny/quirky. Andrew is expendable and what's worse: he knows it. Jonathan was invisible to the world - people just didn't care about him - and he knew it. There's a certain amount of angst that lives in their heads that they hardly ever let show that I just find... magnetic. Anyway, you must all go read The Great Cereal Mastermind by Amand-r. And love Andrew. LOVE HIM.

Kakigori~! 12:27PM
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Tuesday 8 July 2003
Listening to: Deep, Anathema

HOLY CRACK! XD I randomly clicked on WinMX to see what I was downloading and I got it! XD XD XD I finally got "Perfect [Unreleased Acoustic Version]"! XD And I thought the guy who I had been downloading from was gone! XD XD I am so uber-happy now.

If I do not get BravoTV for this, I will shoot myself. Shoot myself, I say! XO

Kakigori~! 3:35PM

Listening to: canta per me, NOIR

Woo, backness! XD The houseboat trip was fun and relaxing as always. Ah, I love the houseboat. You think I wouldn't because of the noticeable lack of electronics, but with my family nearby and nothing to do but sit and draw or go out swimming - loved it. Every darn second of it. The fireworks this year over the dam were beautiful, loud, and very well done. One of them set off a car alarm and prior to the festivities there was a camp ground fire that we could see from the lake. Good times, good times. It's just so relaxing up there, and I get the best inspiration for my art when I'm the most relaxed - or sleep deprived...either works. I'm going to do a Siris + Lupin picture because Leslie wants one. Most interesting as I have not yet read Harry Potter. Yay.

Will be in pain as of August 5th as that is the day my four wisdom teeth get pulled. Joy. They had to tell me about all the things that could go wrong with the surgery too. I'm just so...happy. Can't you see me smiling? Yes, yes you can. I hate needles so I'll be dreaming through the surgery. GAH. ... I feel better now.

Alseides Frodo is in the car shop; again. The front door won't unlock manually and something is wrong with his warning beeper, so into the shop he goes! Poor Alseides Frodo, all alone... *sniffle* Upside, when he comes back I can learn how to parallel park and drive backwards around corners and then go get my license. Yay for me! Wandered around the downtown area of my city today while Tousama was in a meeting and I realized something - I am a sheltered, sheltered Kaze... I didn't know that new stores had come in downtown... I'm not that big of a shopper and that is basically all that downtown is - boutique-type stores - but still... my city is changing and I suddenly don't recognize parts of it anymore. Erm... Heh.

Also, if ANYONE knows what a PCRE.DLL file is or where I can find another one I will give you part of my SOUL. I will give you ALL of my soul if you have a complete file of Stabbing Westward's song "Perfect", the unreleased acoustic mix. Please? I'm begging here.

Kakigori~! 2:58PM
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Thursday 3 July 2003
Listening to: Perfect, Stabbing Westward

Dear Kami-sama am I going to do a layout with this song. Beauty in a nutshell. Anyway, I'll be taking off until the 7th. Woo, so happy now - I'm heading off to the lake for the annual trip~ Houseboatin' yo. XD I'll be back and will write about what went on. Going up with the family are my two cousins who I'm closest with so this should be a blast. XD XD Whee~ I have a dentist's appointment at 3:45 today... Hee, it's summer vacation so I'm still in my pajajamamas...pajamas; excuse that weird moment. And I need to draft a nice letter to the Air Force about why I'm no longer interested in continuing the scholarship process at this point in my life. I want to go to Japan in my junior year and major in Japanese. *sigh* Thus so much for the Air Force.

Stabbing Westward and Anathema are the two English-speaking bands other than Linkin Park to whom I now sell parts of my soul. Thanks to Kim for getting me into Anathema without her even having to say a thing. That Sirius layout made me into goop. *cries* I hate you for what you have done JKR and I don't even read Harry Potter. *cries*

Kakigori~! 2:42PM
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Wednesday 2 July 2003
Listening to: Honey, L'Arc

So it lacked plot and was not much more than mindless violence meant to spend the big bucks on high end special effects and pay Arnold Schwartzenegger's check. It's all made better by the fact that they did what X could not - they destroyed the world and brought about mass casualties resulting in the Apocalypse (Judgment Day) and the "End of the World." Gotta love them. Blotted that out for anyone who wants to see the movie and not be spoiled. Some good humor in there and I pay my respects to Kristanna Loken for her role and the ability to have the two naughty lines as her only act of speech in the entire film. It was a Terminator flick, it had what all good Terminator flicks must have - 9 explosions in the first 20 minutes of the film. Especially great was seeing Arnold wearing the glittery red-lensed star sunglasses he found in the pocket of the jacket he took from the (gay) stripper guy at the standard bar having a Ladies' Night. About 19 explosions overall before I really stopped counting - eh, it was okay; not something I come home raving about for the rest of my life, but still a pretty good night of entertainment.

The theatre itself is v. nice. The game room isn't as large as it was supposed to be, but the screen rooms and the seating are MUCH better than before. High-backed cushioned chairs are very good for a two to three hour sit. ^_^ And now there is Dreyer's ice cream at the concession stand - not that I can afford it - but it's there and it's tasty. That is all Kaze truly cares about. As expected the theatre was packed, spotlights were out, and because Tousama knows the right people he ended up getting two of the tickets for two dollars each compared to the 8.50 it would have cost. Yo to connections. On a completely unrelated note, I found a Techno remix of Beethoven's 9th Symphony - uberhappiness reigns supreme because I am a total dork. :3

Kakigori~! 11:11PM (spiffy time)

Listening to: In the End, Linkin Park

If anyone out there knows what the PCRE.dll file did in Windows ME, tell me please. I deleted it by accident and my little Windows pop-up-box-of-doom tells me it was important. ...Help?

Kakigori~! 2:15PM

Listening to: Last Impression, TWO-MIX

Woot. So damn happy right now. I contacted the webmaster for Children of the Atom and he's sending me all the Nightcrawler pics I could ever hope for. XD I am so uberhappy. I just might be able to have that Nightcrawler layout I've been dying for~

Other news: the theatre in my hometown just reopened after about 6 months of being under construction. It is now a 14 screen multiplex (remember, this is exciting) with a 1600 square foot gaming arcade - so long as they stuck with the original plans. XD Uberhappiness twice in one day! Heh, our family has strange taste so we're probably going to go and eat specially priced 50 cent hot dogs and ice cream and watch Terminator 3. Expect a report later on. You know one is coming.

Random point of the day: Meimi told me that someone ficced Buffy into the Monty Python Dead Parrot Sketch. God am I happy. Monty Python eats the souls of all other shows. "The Slayer's not dead...she's pining for ~Hea~ven~". Anyone who doesn't understand that reference hasn't a) heard/seen the MP DPsketch or b) seen the Buffy musical extravaganza. Whee. Ever notice how I only post in the afternoon? Consciousness is not an attribute I possess in the morning.

Kakigori~! 12:41PM
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Monday 30 June 2003
Listening to: ode to power, NOIR OST

Oooh....did some work today. Not the work I was supposed to do, but eh. Hsiu has convinced me and I have decided to interface with all you lucky people. Whoa. Okay, so I went off and found this thing called a ZonkBoard. Works like a guestbook. sign it and whatnot. Tried something else, but it was a bit of a bother...and not quite aesthetically pleasing... Hmm. Eh, this works. I'm off to clean the Abyss (my room) and the bathroom...or avoid doing it. Take your pick. Before I go I leave you with another LotR parody for the Two Towers. Yesh. And the one t-shirt I ever truly want. Don't we all just love those kooky Japanese?

Kakigori~! 2:17PM

Listening to: Ask DNA, Cowboy Bebop

Nyerg, no posting as of late because NOTHING HAPPENED. I now share in your boredom problem. Grr. Helped move furniture on Saturday from San Jose to Sacramento. Whee, three hour trip for a half hour actual unloading time. My younger cousin of two months is going to UCDavis so we're moving furniture from my grandparents' duplex to her brother's house who will store it until September when she moves into her Sac apartment. No dorms for her! ^-^ My grandmother has been moved out of the duplex now that my grandfather is gone and it's been...interesting. *sigh* Not going to dwell on how much I worry about her.

Friday! I don't remember a thing! I think I did something...oh right. Went to go see Nemo for the second time with my Kaasama. ^_^ We love Dory now. "Sea monkey stole my money" and whatnot. Tousama helped out at the Relay for Life and all was right with the world. Nnrm...I don't really remember much of yesterday - I think I slept it all away. My cousin gave the best description as to why we both sleep in all the time: "I go to sleep without a passion and I wake up without a passion..." Exactly. So why wake up at all? Blah.

And your daily dose of randomosity: Why is it that I'm getting bulk mail from a mailing list I unsubscribed to about three years ago? Or did I just never unsubscribe? Hmm...a conundrum (I doubt I spelled that right). Spelling is not a concern right now. There is no school. Hah. Ugh, my stomach has been talking to me for three hours now...Noisy little fella. Ate too much red meat last night, but it was soooo oishii~ I couldn't resist Tousama's barbeque. Damn my lack of control! :3 But tasty food always gets to me. Tra~

Kakigori~! 12:26PM
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Thursday 26 June 2003
Listening to: Spiritus Domini, Gregorian Chant

Oooh, bad Kaze. Bad Kaze. Forgot to mention the greatest part of the summer so far. I got a car. It has an identity crisis. It has been christened Alseides Frodo. Grr, just went to find out how to spell that and found out I've been calling it wrong. God I'm stupid, but that's what you get for not really ever watching the show close enough to know the Guymelef's name. Eh. It's a personal joke because I have a white car named after Dilandau's Guymelef while my cousin has a red car named Eskaflowne. They eat people. It's fun. Frodo is because...Kaasama liked the name and it was the first thing it heard. Poor baby got attached to it. Thus it is Alseides Frodo. Yarg.

Kakigori~! 11:58-ishPM

Listening to: eX Dream, Myuji

Woo, just finished a marathon of two series and am thoroughly enjoying them both. ^o^ Yay for "Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World" and "Princess Tutu". I don't know if what I did can really qualify for a marathon with KnT though...>_o After all, I only have the three episodes I ripped from my cousin. Eh, it was still very joyous. I love the music and the theme. Can't wait for college to start so I can take advantage of the faster connection. ^_^ Ah yes, the REAL reason to attend college. Leslie says Kino no Tabi is much like the "Little Prince," but apparently I'm one of two people in the world who haven't read that book yet. Damn was I deprived. Must. Read. Yomenakya na... Elmes kicks arse.

Princess Tutu: I was wondering how they'd get around the whole if she confesses she disappears in a flash of light thing... most interesting. Heh. Fakia. ^_^ The worse name ever for the hottest man~! ^o^ Hayate-voi~ce. Can't get any better. Does he always do characters like that? Hrm... Sex!y. Mu~te the Pantless Wonder had about five more scenes of pantlessness that made it all so much more worth it. Not that Princess Tutu is a bad series, it has a weird way of fighting, but the concept is actually really interesting. Edel-san was friggin' cool. ^_^ If only I could cosplay her but with that hair it's nearly impossible. Guessed correct at who the villain was, but it wasn't exactly "hard" per say given the number of characters present in the first season. Now I'm just waiting to find the second season around somewhere. Yet another project for the college internet connection. YOSH!

>XD No one has any idea how freakin' happy I am right now because my Aniue is coming home from Afghanistan in July~! I haven't seen him since my grandfather's funeral in March and I've missed him up the wazoo. It's so rare that the family is together anymore since we've all been pulled in different directions. And I'm reconsidering AFROTC...there are some guilt and whatnot issues I need to look at seriously before I decide on what my true intentions and motivations are for joining a military unit. Hrgh...but still - ANIUE~~~!!! XD

Kakigori~! 11:47PM

Listening to: Himegoto, Vandread

I have discovered the joy of fanlistings. Yes, I am always behind the curve. >.< But I'm still pretty damn happy.

Kakigori~! 12:13AM
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Wednesday 25 June 2003
Listening to: Sick Cycle Carousel, Lifehouse

I have NO LIFE. ^_^ I updated the quizzes page a bit. Yay for me. Damn this page is going to be graphics heavy...

Kiss Kiss

What Tokyo Babylon song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're OOC yaoi. If the charachter doesn't fit the
form, don't change the form, change the
character! You can mold Vegeta into a weeping
maiden and Hiei into a cuddly kitten. Everyone
loves you! Well, they better, or you'll make

What kind of yaoi are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna

You know...I've decided to just start updating the quizzes page and leave the graphics off this page unless I really like the picture. It will spare all of your souls and slow connections. I'll write when I update the page of course and say what I've done, but damn...this is too much. Nyegh.

Kakigori~! 9:48PM
Listening to: White Feathers

It's amazing how much you miss by being away. ^_^ I love saying stupid things. Ko, you feed my quiz obsession... And in the endless pursuit of new quizzes to feed to the bottomless pit of my soul, I have found Let-kun's blog. ^_^ Yay to you because you feed my need for pretty layouts and quizzes! XD

Which CLAMP series' random item are you?
Quiz made by Let-kun

I have heard much about Xxxholic, but I haven't read it yet. If anyone has scans or knows if it's really good, tell me and I'll buy it. As we all know, CLAMP eats our souls.

: : :   Prophetic Dreamer : Hinoto   : : :
You are the Prophetic Dreamer
Tied to the lacking of your physical availability, you only wish for a better end, relying in your Dreams. Not so centered personality that can create a powerful alter-ego making yourself not completely trustful in your predictions.

What kind of Dreamgazer is more appealing to you?
Quiz made by Let-kun, based on Melange's Treatise on Dreams

And this one below made me so very, very happy. The Labyrinth was the best movie ever made next to the Dark Crystal and Willow. I watched movies all day when I was a little kid...still do as a matter of fact... I always wanted to be Jareth when I was a kid because I figured having all those spiffy powers and whatnot would be one hell of a job. Eh, I was weird. Never wanted to be Sarah...I don't think. I can't really remember all that well. *sigh*

You are the Wiseman - Or not so wise perhaps.  You take so long getting to the point of what you are saying that you forget what the point is.  You have nothing really useful to s
You are the Wiseman - Or not so wise perhaps. You
take so long getting to the point of what you
are saying that you forget what the point is.
You have nothing really useful to say but you
give off the impression of wisdom somehow,
people coem to you for advice but you just end
up wasting their time. You may well get paid
to talk crap.

"Which 'Labyrinth' Character are you?"
brought to you by Quizilla

My obsession over old movies is just...strange. I've seen Nemo by the way, and all of you must stay through the credits. The ending is just classic. Might be going to see it again...yay for Pixar. Hee hee. We finally installed a second phone line thus tis a VERY happy Kaze. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

Kakigori~! 9:18PM

Listening to: The Starry Sky [D-Z Air Raid Mix], HAL

It has been far too long since I last posted here. I never imagined that the end of senior year could be so dang hectic. But here I am out of school, a graduate with a degree worthy of getting me an entry-level position wherever I decide to go for work despite this country's current abyssmal economic status.


Yeah, don't worry, that was way too intellectual for me too. Don't know where that came from. True meaning of my words: Yatta! I'm OUT of SCHOOL!!! XD XD XD XD No more high school textbooks and pointless homework that counts for 20% of your final grade! I'm finally finished with all the high school projects (i.e. no more Demon Projects) and I'm able to relax and collect my head for the summer. No summer reading lists. No stress. More time. More sleep. More internet time(?). Less responsibility! XD

Yes, I am very delusional. I do realize that there are things I have to do this summer - AFROTC preparation (and accompanying stress...grr), chores, actually getting my driver's license at 18 years of age, more chores, finding out why I'm still not registered to vote despite my having sent in the form...grr, replying to e-mails I have had to ignore since school kicked my arse royally, and recovering my personality from the depths of what was almost a conformity to an exterior norm/pattern of thought and behavior (*shudders*).

And then there is college. Oh, yes...that's um, important too... heh.

Wheee~! I shall enjoy this summer no matter what. Already Meimi has me watching the good episodes of 3rd season Buffy, and we both have Leslie watching it...or trying to make her. I had my family watching 4 consecutive episodes of Buffy with me, and even got Tousama to ask the eternal question: "What happened to Tucker?" Kaasama is an Angel fan ~ she thinks he's eye candy. Doesn't care about the whole inability to act when in the Buffy-verse. That's why he has his *own* show. ^_^ Much better. Lorne! XD Fred! Dear god I've been sucked in! ... Cool.

As for the rest, I'm searching out my Slayers Try DVD box set to watch...I moved it out of my room and can't remember where I moved it to... Watching Princess Tutu and the Pantless Wonder that is Mute... Kino no Tabi (Kino's Travels: A Beautiful World) that I stole from Leslie... And cautiously watching the news for the reports about the RIAA's crackdown on internet music swapping. Won't these people ever learn? That's what the internet is for. Screw information super-highway - it's the grandest arena for off-map smuggling ever invented. Don't we love military inventions given to the public? Yay.

Kakigori~! 6:15PM
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