Monday February 3, 2003
Listening to: I Would, Laura Dawn

Back from KAIROS. It was a very...enlightening experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it was a bit long it was as long as necessary. Supposed to plead the 5th about the whole thing, but know that it was good and I reccommend it.

Reading through e-mail and found a virus (friggin' virus) from someone called "yume". I deleted the message without infecting Fuuma(compy). Go McAfee. Found the weirdest thing in my inbox: Yeah. Thinly veiled dating game. If someone actually liked me they could e-mail me and tell me themselves. Probably an advertising gimmick - I am very paranoid.

Must finish off homework backlogged from the past few days, register to vote, and study for those pesky tests. Upside: I am eligible for the AFROTC scholarship. Let's hope I make it through the interview and medical exam. FAFSA and CSS are DONE, thank the kamis. Will post the new layout soon. I like it. ^____________^
Stars fell from heaven at 6:26PM

Monday January 27, 2003
Listening to: Easy Action, Gravitation

Ko is right. FAFSA is fecking stupid. Thanks for the encouragement. I think I'm going to seek tutoring - despite how little that appeals to me... (damn my nature) Hope your essay goes well ~ essay limits suck. They teach you how to write wonderfully descriptive essays in school then tell you to chop it all to shit to fit the entire thing into 250-500 words or something like that. Good luck with FAFSA yourself. Go! Go!

Don't know if you're reading this, but if you are - I offer my empathy and hope your days gain only brighter stars and better moments. *hug* I watched Aladdin TV and King Arthur too. Now that I think about it, yes...they were rather strange yet amusing shows. I actually own the Aladdin trilogy. Aladdin's father reminds me of another cartoon character from somewhere that I can't remember... I'll show it to you sometime.

I know I have other blogs I read, but right now I have packing to do in under three minutes. Ja. Tom, I'll get to your e-mail really soon. I started it partially then FAFSA/CSS/Calculus drained my soul. Will blog tomorrow before I leave or on Friday/Saturday when I get back.
Stars fell from heaven at 10:32PM


Whoever found We Are the Cats in an MSN search engine for "cats sex"... that's nasty. Unless I'm taking it wrong. Ew. Maybe I'll revive that if I can ever find the password. It seems to have been rather popular...
Stars fell from heaven at 9:48PM


Listening to: Butterfly [4th remix], DDR

Addictive song. Must go pack. I didn't do any of my homework - no wonder I'm failing. Finished FAFSA and the CSS PROFILE - yet another stupid form. How in the heck are we supposed to know how many medical expenses will be incurred next year? We can't predict natural disasters, deaths, sudden illnesses, car accidents, or formerly dormant growths or something - I'm being particularily mean today and I should stop.

Had the faculty prayer service after school today and brought in Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars (a major hit) to serve after the service. I had to cut it with a knife and um...I kinda lost the knife for awhile somewhere in the school's theater. I think I scared some people when I asked them, "Have you seen my knife? It's about *this* long." One teacher jokingly asked how I got through the metal detectors. ...not that we have metal detectors. I got more stares when I accidently called it a "butcher knife." Didn't help any that today was a dress-up day at school where we had to bring in kitchen utensils and wear aprons. Dude, I looked stupid.

Will be gone for a week at KAIROS. If anyone knows what that is, shibby, if not - it's a Christian retreat. Should be interesting - I'm Buddhist. Must go pack... I now own Invader Zim sound bytes and am much amused by Gir saying "But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explooode. That happens to me sometimes." I want more Doom Song Techno.

Narratorman: Today's lecture is about outer space.
Zim: Okay, Gir, our mission begins now. Let us rain some DOOM down upon the filthy heads of our DOOMED enemies.
GIR: (SIR voice) Yes, my master! (GIR voice)I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now!
Zim: In the case of a massive alien invasion, how prepared do you think this planet's defenses would be? ... TELL ME.

I love that song way too much. "Doom doom doom de doom doom!"
Stars fell from heaven at 9:31PM


Listening to: get out from the shell, L'arc

FAFSA is stupid. They don't explain things at all and ask the same questions over and over and over and over again. B.A.K.A.
Stars fell from heaven at 7:41PM


Listening to: Snow Drop, L'arc

My day sucked. This morning started off bad and I had vibes that the day wouldn't get much better. Then I find out I failed my calculus test. A. Big. Fat. Honkin'. F. I'm a perfectionistic type of person and this doesn't bode well for the rest of my year. If I fail Calculus I'm sure to be rejected from colleges because it shows I can't maintain my grades. I'm depressed today. All this week I'm going to be gone and I'll be missing two tests in my hardest classes as well as a lot of make-up work to boot. All because I have to go on a retreat. The only thing that cheers me up right now is the Strong Bad techno and the Invader Zim Doom Song.

I finished uploading the storage site for my writings and art. Whispered Nothings is up. The URL is long, but I'm not in the mood to set up a new account for it right now. I really hate Mondays. Filling out FAFSA and CSS today. Fun.
Stars fell from heaven at 7:12PM

Sunday January 26, 2003
Listening to: Heart of Sword, Kenshin (TMRevolution)

WTF?! Just went through Dreams of Sakura and read that Kanoe is dead. CLAMP is rapidly killing off their characters for the oddest reasons - and just when I thought someone would figure out that Hinoto(real world) was Evil!(tm). But no, they will continue to be clueless. On the upside, things are heating up apparently. I need to buy Asuka now. This should be fun.
Stars fell from heaven at 11:26PM


Raiders LOST. 21 to 48. They had their noses wiped with their own arses. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so happy for the Bucs because their win in the SuperBowl (yes, I watch football) rounds out the Fairy Tale Year in Sports. Last year was the Angels winning the World Series (despite the fact that I'm a Giants fan, I can't grudge the Angels their win - they really deserved it) in their first try in franchise history and now the Bucs have done the same thing. Besides, Raiders are the ancient foe of the 49ers and the 49ers are my team. So are the Broncos, but they've kinda passed out of the ring for a bit. Now I like Tampa too. Yay.

Raiders fans can be scary - they're rioting in Oakland right now and torched a car - can't imagine what would have happened if they had won. The fans are out in my city too, but at least they're being somewhat civil... praise be to the police who are out 200+ strong on the main drag to stop people from reducing themselves to roving idiots like they did last Sunday. Bike, motorcycle, horse, and helicopter forces are all out not counting the cops on foot. Go law enforcement.

I think I ODed on chips and guac though... damn was that tasty. I have koko and nappa in the refrigerator and I want some, but I'm too tired to go eat it so I'll leave it for tomorrow. I love pickled veggies.
Stars fell from heaven at 10:54PM

January 25, 2003

Warning: partly LOTR, mostly rant about how much I hate kids who act out in public places. If you're easily offended, read the first and last paragraphs only, then ignore me.

Just finished seeing LOTR:TT for the fourth time - I broke my record (yay). Wonderful movie. I always get tired during the preparation for the Battle of Helm's Deep; even the first time I saw it. It's not that the preparation is boring - I just get tired... Decapitation count: 4 confirmed, 4 assumed for a total of 8 lopped off heads. Yay. First decapitation goes to the "Man Flesh Uruk" who killed off the Orc/Goblin who wanted to eat Merry and Pippin. And yes, that is his actual name. That's how he's known in the credits - "Man Flesh Uruk." How illustrious. The moderator of the newspaper staff pointed out a continuity flaw though; if you want to read it'll follow, but will be blacked out. If you'd rather stay innocent to the LOTR faults, skip it. Continuity flaw: When Pippin is about to be stepped on by the horse, he screams and drops his hands - point: his hands are free. Later in the flashback, he rolls over on his side to escape the horse and his hands are snuggly bound again. Yay for the editors. Okay, oh innocent ones, you may continue.

The movie was great, but the audience sucked. I don't deal well with children - in fact, I'm probably going to make a horrible parent because I have hardly any patience with them. Adults I'm fine with, but I can't handle children... at all. Well, there were these two kids at the theater who I honestly thought about snapping at or something. One kept TALKING about all the OBVIOUS things at all the WRONG times. I think he may have been a bit mentally challenged, but even so that doesn't excuse someone's behavior. I know an austistic child and he knows how to behave in public. This kid kept talking all through the movie and whining about he wanted some friggin' popcorn and saying, "It's GANDALF" every time someone JUST SAID GANDALF'S NAME. We can friggin' figure it out ourselves that it's Gandalf when he just said that he was. When we asked for the parents to "please" quiet the child down (and we asked politely despite the fact that he'd been talking for the first hour of the friggin' film). The parents and kid just ignored us like our request was beneath them or that they felt bad for having the child behaving incorrectly, but like hell if they were going to scold him for it.

Really, I understand how hard it is to have to deal with kids - I can't stand them and I still manage to act civil (mostly). I'm not sure if the kid was mentally handicapped or not, but still I know some mentally challenged people who LEARNED how to behave in public. It's hard, but it can be done. They learn how to function in a normal society and become quite happy and well-adjusted. If the parents don't teach that kid how to act in public places he's going to have one hell of a hard life. They won't always be there for him when he starts acting out or annoying people. Mommy and Daddy won't always be there to ignore people's requests for you. Learn some friggin' manners. It'll make everything go just that little bit more smoothly when you need to get something or need to communicate. If the parents feel sorry for the kid or just think they're better parents then, fine - act like it. Teach him how to adjust and he'll be fine. He'll grow up happy and self-sufficient, but if you sit there and let him run amuck whenever he damn well pleases and don't scold him for incorrect behaviors it's only going to get worse and then no one is going to want to deal with him.

The thing that really ticked me off was after all the kid's whining and talking in the theater - the parents give him what he wants. Oh, like THAT'S not going to reinforce the bad behavior. Sure he calmed down a bit, but when he started up again it was just as bad. He's probably learning that the more he acts out the more attention and rewards he's going to get. Yeah. That works in the real world. Sure. As long as he doesn't have to associate with people who have short burn for anger. You can't lock the kid in the basement somewhere for the rest of his natural life. Someone needs to take those parents through a crash course in behavior modification or at least a course in "How Not to Make Your Kid into the Reject of Society." If I'm sounding rather harsh it's because I looked forward to this all day to make up the stressful day I had otherwise and having to cage my anger is NOT stress relief, plus I hate being ignored and the parents just stared at us like WE were the ones who had the problem. They acted like we were the ones making all the noise and not their little angel. MY ASS. I'm normally very empathetic for people, but not this time. I just hate to think that the kid is going to grow up with all these problems in his social development because the parents were passive and let him get away with anything. Plus, I just can't stand kids. If they can associate on a higher intellectual level than "Give me candy or I scream" then yeah, I'll probably like them - but honestly, how many kids have I seen that are actually above the screaming thing?

To get away from all that negativity before it further infects my brain and drives everyone away, people should visit this place if they haven't already: Yes. Go.
Stars fell from heaven at 12:52AM

Friday January 24, 2003

Just wrote e-mail to Hsiu. Tis happy.
Stars fell from heaven at 1:48PM

Listening to: angel, Hyde

XD SCORE! *snigger* Twice.
Stars fell from heaven at 1:13PM


Listening to: evergreen [english ensemble], Hyde
Yeah, just had my Calculus test. It sucked. Didn't finish. I expected as much. But there's a rally after my free today so my day has successfully gotten easier. Kaasama wants to go see LOTR:TT again, so I'm hoping we do. Time to count the orc heads and gay! ...not that orc heads are gay... yeah. Today's LOTR calendar picture is of the Nine RingWraiths from LOTR:FotR. No comment, but I keep thinking: "We must hurry! Lord Sauron is going to throw another disco-Twister party!"

My brother sent me his old laptop to hold onto for him - of course, old is 20GB Pentium 3 Dell Inspiron, but I'm not complaining. Finished off the storage site for my art and old fanfics...though I can't find my Slayers junk. I'll find it on the web somewhere and steal it back. I'll post the site later, I'm at school and forgot to load it onto a disk when I finished it at 12:30 this morning.
Stars fell from heaven at 1:09PM

Thursday January 23, 2003

Again with the quizzes? Hey, I need my fix.

You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own.

What inner color are you?

If I had gone with some of my original inklings...still blue... Yet again, Blue. Is there any other color on this quiz? Someone, please tell me if you get a different color. Quizilla has become insufferably slow - unless that is only for the school computers. <off topic> I need to get a haircut, it's too long and thick... my hair grows too fast </off topic>

Must get this in before I have to run off to play practice. Bloody friggin slow Quizilla. ...then again, it's not as if I have an important part in the musical... Yo to the servant-folk. Water%20Goddess
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)

brought to you by Quizilla

I might try this one again. Whoever thinks I'm content with life is on crack. Cynicism, baby.
Stars fell from heaven at 2:51PM


Just went and read Hsiu's blog - has been too long. :X I'm a bad person.
Stars fell from heaven at 2:32PM


Woke up late this morning and began to spaz because in Kaze's brain it was Friday and Friday is associated with Scary Calculus Test. Keenspace went down so you can find Boy Meets Boy (BMB) at Sandra's LJ.

Going on a school retreat next week that isn't mandatory for most people but that is mandatory for me (because of the organization to which I belong). The few classes I'm worried about gradewise are the only classes that aren't going to stop. I'll miss a test before I leave AND a bunch of notes the teacher coincidently said will be a major part of another test coming up right after I come back. I bloody well hate school sometimes. Luckily I have a friend who will take notes for me. Woot. Am not sure whether or not to bring own sleeping bag as I do not exactly want to use unknown sheets. You never know where that stuff has been. ... Like the hotel - in the Monk episode. Ew.

Ko has pretty oekaki up. Everyone must go and see. Hokuto makes a pretty angel.
Stars fell from heaven at 2:13PM

Wednesday January 22, 2003

Couldn't blog yesterday night because we got home at friggin' 8:30 PM and I felt like I was going to pass out for some strange reason. However, got home and found a college envelope from my first choice sitting on the counter. Kaze thinks "Wow, they've replied already! Hey, I might actually go to college!" Then Kaze notices the SIZE of the envelope and realizes that it is very thin and small. Kaze thinks, "F*ck."

It was a confirmation of them having received my application on time. I am grateful for the notice because I was not sure if it was going to reach them in time, but the near death heart attack was something I could have lived without. School eats my soul and I have a World Religions test to study for or else I'll start the end of my yaer with an F. Joy.
Stars fell from heaven at 1:19PM

Tuesday January 21, 2003

Whee. It's fun to be addicted.
Take the What website are you? quiz @

Take the What layout are you? quiz @
Couldn't see the scroll bar at first, but I finally figured it out. Pretty site. The quizzes are cute, although I could manipulate it to be what I wanted if I tried harder.
Stars fell from heaven at 2:10PM


I hate being back at school. Three day weekends need to come more often. Like every week. March has no vacations and I think my brain is likely to explode. On the upside it seems that there is no second semester final for Calculus and whether I pass the AP or not really doesn't seem to matter. However, I must finish FAFSA and CSS or else I will have lied on my Common App. I'm sure colleges look down on that sort of thing.
Stars fell from heaven at 1:57PM

Saturday January 18, 2003
Listening to: The GIFT, Hayashibara Megumi

Nearly forgot! XD Meimi told me about this site and I've become as obsessed as the people who made it. Lord of the Peeps. Anyone with a sense of humor needs to head over that way. And because addictions die hard, here's more quizzes:

It is completely possible to have two poets on this quiz and lo and behold I have them.

You are Sylvia Plath
No matter how much you struggle, you can't manage to shake off depression. You use symbolism to express yourself and have a knack for getting the most out of gas ovens.

Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!

You are Emily Dickinson
You are reclusive and imaginative. Not too many people know the real you, as you almost always keep your emotions locked up inside. You have a devout belief in God yet can be, at times, curiously analytical. Even still, you have passion and longing teaming beneath your surface that only a select few will ever know. You tend to deny your loneliness.

Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!

Same as Shadow. ^_^

What's Your Anime Power?

Take This Quiz!

I've come to take you.
What character from a creepy anime are you?

The monkey on the original 1960's Space Ghost.
Find out what secondary animated character you are.

That's it for now.
Stars fell from heaven at 12:03AM


Couldn't stand it anymore. I hated that layout too much for my own health. Besides, if I'm going to sacrifice my eyes to the Photoshop demon it might as well amount to something. Realized that the page looks like crap in 800x600; sorry if that's your screen resolution.
Stars fell from heaven at 11:40PM


Listening to: Gravity Kills, Stabbing Westward

Had to archive. The page was too big. x_X Yet again I will state how much I hate this layout. This morning sucked. I was supposed to go to the bank, but I overslept then got yelled at about putting away the dishes and was successfully got into a snapping fight with my mother all before my first hour of wakefullness was over. Don't get into fights often, but this one mainly consisted of us sniping at each other over stupid things that we weren't even saying to each other. It's better now, but God that sucked earlier.

Upside of the week - saw LOTR:TT for my third time. Now I've made my quota. I want to see it again to see what I missed the other three times. This time around I noticed how many disembodied heads there were - quite amazing, but I forgot to keep count. I'm pretty sure I saw at LEAST 5 to 8. Orc heads go flyyyyying. Wheeee. Mom is hooked on how cool Legolas can be, I'm sniggering over the Gap of Rohan and Aragorn stealing Theoden's credit card. *sniff* I cry when I have to watch Haldir die though... It wasn't supposed to happen! XO WHY?! I liked him even if as Cassie says, "His eyebrows don't match his wig." I thought he was cool. Got the quote of Legolas wrong though: "Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to get a box?" that's the line. Oops. Found this though - easiest pick ever.

Legolas is my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Stars fell from heaven at 3:38PM