Thursday January 16, 2003
I so flubbin' rock. I have three layouts done and I'm actually waiting for the appropriate months to post them. Patience. Great patience. I really don't like this layout so I've been obsessing over creating new ones. >< I think I got a C on my Calculus quiz, but I don't have the class for four days straight so I'm in a period of blissful ignorant denial. Dude...I just checked out my tracker again and I really must say: thanks for stopping by. E-mail me or something. I don't bite - and even if I wanted to, it's a virtual world so I can't. Okay, enough about that. I'm so proud of me. I finished two sections of this thing - writing site and updated quizzes. ^_^ Woot. Don't know when I'll get the writing sit actually up though... Yes, quizzes are finally updated. I'm going to post all the pictures here, so it's going to be a freaking long time to load - sorry. I get impatient with my addictions.
![]() Bebop's Earth Find out what Cartoon location you are. ![]() Romantic Find out what bishonen you are. ![]() HAHAHAHA Find out what anime character cliche you are. ![]() Cute Baddie Find out what video game character cliche you are. ![]() Gaurdia's Genius What Video Game Hero Are You? ![]() Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz There are many, many more, but I'll wait to post them. Blah, my site is going to choke on all these pictures.
So I'm not exactly studying... What can I say, I'm a starving addict. FECK. I just hit the wrong button on the file manager program and had already written half of my entry when the screen killed itself and I LOST THE ENTIRE FREAKING THING. Starting over now. Let's see if I remember it. It's been too long since I last posted here. I think I'm going into withdrawls. And now anger at the stupid file manager program. Grr. I think I missed some application deadlines for colleges, but all the others are now in and done. I have to do FAFSA, CSS PROFILE, and resend my SAT scores. Resending because I'm a goober who wrote "way" two different ways on the application thing ("way" and "wy") and forgot to put my middle initial. Dammit. However, my college stress is significantly lower. Only weird thing was that last night I had the freakiest dream where I just started bleeding everywhere for no reason. If anyone has a degree in dream analysis, please contact me. On the up note, am very happy because it seems that Tom liked his Christmas present. Woot. I've lost my eyes to Photoshop, but that's okay I was nearly blind to begin with. Have two (soon to be three) new layouts for this site, including new coding I learned from other people's blogs and HTML tutorials. Confusing little buggers that they are, I kept getting computer programming rather than the subject I really wanted. I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile, but never really remember at the time. Meimi gave me the greatest calendar for Christmas this year - LOTR with her added comments. ^_^ I can't let anyone else see it or it might traumitize their brains. XD YAY! Everyday so far has had some sort of sick comment on it and I'm enjoying every second. Today...let's see. Yesterday was Boromir with the heading: "Making eyes at Merry. Or Pippin. Or Frodo. Or Aragorn. Or..." and today is Sam with his classic line "I'll kill you if you try anything." Meimi, I love you. She says the best is yet to come, somewhere around June. I'll try to keep updating on what the great lines of the day are. Have a new site to put up - writings. Don't remember where I put the HTML though...Grr. Damn. Also I have more quizzes to post, I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll make note of when there's something new. Tra. I have to study for a Calculus quiz.
Thursday January 9, 2003 Never did do my homework. Instead I worked on Tom's belated Christmas present. ^_^ I sent it off, let's hope he likes it - rather odd present, but yeah... Finally figured out how to work Photoshop so maybe you can expect better layouts. Let's see if I remember in the morning. Must do homework before I fall asleep. Bwah.
Looking for LOTR pictures. Found quite a few. There are those which I can screw with and insert bad sayings. ^_^ Which is a good thing in my mind. I wonder what Sean Astin's wife would say... I'm not even going to comment on this. Can't remember where I found it. And people wonder why we all love the LOTR gay. There's screenshots like these that feed our minds. I know what's really going on, but if you just stare at it a bit...yeah. LOTR slash is funny. ^_^ I'm having too much fun flipping through galleries of innocent Sam and Frodo and corrupting them. Must find Legolas and Aragorn...preferably together. snrg. Here's something I can't believe. That Orlando Bloom would actually give out addresses so fangirls could go stalk him. Or maybe he doesn't know that someone has his address.
Finally went to Yay for me. Looked around a bit...took some pictures. Neh.
Finally went through the referrer system for random stuff... man, I get a wide range of people. ^_^ Hi! Slovenia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Japan, France, Australia, Phillipines, Canada, Italy, Belgium, UK, Spain, Mexico, Poland, Hong Kong, Brazil, Thailand, Germany. Wah cool. XD
Whoever found me for "dragging kicking and screaming pictures" ... thanks.
Listening to: Beat of the Rising Sun, Dave Rogers Annoying when I can't remember what I downloaded. But at least now I have the Butterfly [Japanese] for DDR. Yay. That song grates me, but it gets in my head and I can't let it go - so I love it at the same time. I had a song that was at 87%, but now it's gone (I use WinMX) and I don't know what I downloaded! >o< "Onsen ga ii" is playing now. It has Midorikawa and I'm a shameless fangirl and I love it. XD I should be doing homework...nyergh. The wire in Seki and Koyasu's lamp is really loose and in danger of killing them if it hits water so Kaasama and I really are going to go buy a new lamp. Just went on a Monty Python download spree, we'll have to wait to see how long it'll take before I get everything I put on queue. UCIrvine does not make it easy to contact them. No e-mail so I have to call. Yay! Hamasaki Ayumi and Powder Snow~ Pretty song, especially the acoustic version. I'm not saying anything lucid, so I'm going to sign off. Gah my back hurts.
Wednesday January 8, 2003 Listening to: LOVE MACHINE, Morning Musume Ended up the wire was just loose so we didn't need to buy a whole new lamp for Seki and Koyasu. The lamps are expensive, and as I am currently not the possessor of much money it is welcome news. ^_^ Am also very excited (I go all happy over very small things, it's the key to true satisfaction in life, I think) because my Winamp playlist has now breached the 24 hour mark. XD Yay me! The official time is: 28 hours 19 minutes 55 seconds, with an average song length of 4:04 minutes. 417 tracks. ^_^ Mostly I have Meimi to thank because she gave me a CD with Buffy and music. If anyone's interested in seeing the list, it's here. Admittedly, Meimi has been showing me Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It interests me, but not to the degree that I'll sit up to watch it or look for it on TV. Right now my "viewing" is limited to whatever she brings over when we hang out. Still good stuff. Spike is funny. I've gotten to the point where I know the characters' names and it's not "that guy without powers who hangs out a lot" (Xander) or "the former demon blonde chick" (Anya). Go me. I think.
You. Even though I wuvvle Nataku to death (um...didn't mean it like that...crap), I love this. *snrg* Also realized I've been giving the wrong URL for the Very Secret Diaries. Damn. They have been moved back to cassandraclaire's livejournal here. I've updated the link to mean the new and old ones. The light on Seki and Koyasu's cage died. Dammit. Must go buy a new one - lamp, I mean...I think it's just the lamp.
I am stunned by the number of Utena layouts I've seen as of late - stunned in a happy, bubbly sort of way. You have one and you and you... And you all make me envious of your mad layout skills. Go you! XD Something went wrong with this thing (my snarky layout) in the production stage and I had to screw with it until it worked. Functionality rather than aestheticism. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Nyeh. Received CLAMP South Side for Christmas though (thank you, Kaasama! XD) and I found a picture I want to put up for a Valentine layout. Let's hope I can actually make it look nice. Also a pleasant stun was to find out that I've been linked to someone. >_O I randomly read people's blogs and suddenly they're randomly reading mine, so um... Hi! ^_______^ I was going to write you an e-mail, but then school ate the part of my soul not eaten by anime and LOTR. The school system is being a snarky biotch and keeps dying every other time I open a new window. Yet again I'm blogging at school and not at home, but I might be able to do that tonight because not much homework has been shot at me. Yay. Only a very interesting conversation in World Religions about cults in America (Raelians, Breathies, Moonies) and what my teacher did during the 60s (laughing at those who were so doped up on drugs that they let dogs pee on their arms). The lady is so bleeding smart! XO She knows the most random facts, such as dogs can see ultraviolet light...and geckos. And that the unknown Prince Geoffrey, younger brother of Prince Edward the Black and Richard the Lionhearted, was gay and lived in France with his transvestite French dauphin (sp?) lover. ... The things I learn in her classes. It is also abnormally warm in my area for this time of year. Interesting.... Sun and blue skies in January. Tolkien, bless you, but you had too much time on your hands. Meimi was given the Simarillion for Christmas by a mutual friend and as we both skim over it we realize that Tolkien not only wrote the Hobbit and the Triology, but ENTIRE HISTORY BOOKS on the Middle-Earth realm. Actual history books. Ones that have things like family trees and dates of wars and such things as would be found in modern history textbooks. I love you, Sir, but you can scare me sometimes. I'm going into Boy Meets Boy, V.Secret Diaries, and quiz withdrawl... I think I'll go correct that... That and all my entries seem to be at the same time. O.o
Monday January 6, 2003 Well...the past week was a complete oxymoron. I was home and not really busy, but occupied at the same time so I couldn't visit Blog-kun. A belated Happy New Year...I'm part of the faction that will most likely be writing 2002 for another month. Vacation was very much fun - went snorkeling on Christmas. Leslie is back so we (Meimi, Les, and I) all went to Lord of the Rings: Two Towers and ranted about how the other movies who think they can beat it at the award shows should put their freaking egos where their money is and face off against it in the box office. Hah, we showed them. LOTR:TT now has a 19 day gross of 267.6 million dollars (or something along those lines). The second highest movie? Only 97 million. BWAHAHA. LOTR eats my soul, but I enjoy it. One thing about Hawaii (vacation place, woot), there is no such thing as a non-good-looking Hawaiian guy. Does the place just collect them or something? Hawaii is pretty in general - lots of birds and I love birds. Saw a rare Hawaiian owl in the Uplands which is supposed to be good luck and the next day I won free tix to a magic show. I LIKE magic. ^_^ Warren and Annabelle's is a great comedy/magic show to go to if you're ever on the Lahaina side of Maui. Shameless plug there. 'Ulalena - modern dance musical about the history of Hawaii. Very pretty, done by the same company who does Cirque du Soleil, but a little more storytelling and not so much acrobatics - still very nice. Did a lot of relaxing and talked to parrots... It sounds strange, but I did. Yeah... All-around a VERY good way to start off my 18th year of life. Unfortunately, I got back and had to a)help get the house ready for Shogatsu (New Year's) and b)finish off my Bennington application. Funny thing about that application... I got it done the day before it was supposed to be post-marked, but January 1st post offices are closed. I don't know whether or not my application will be accepted and it is my first choice school. It's completely my own fault that it didn't get sent in time and that just depresses me, but so far the entire weight of that mistake hasn't hit I'm in strict denial. Very strict. ... Yeah... Shogatsu is huge in my family. Both sides of the fam get together and we eat and just hang out. Kaasama had two days to get the entire house to go from Disaster Zone to Able-to-Present and she did it. She even made sushi and it was tasty. Yum. Saw family members from all over and it was much fun. Played board games with my aunts and cousins and there was a card game going on in the garage while most of the uncles were watching football in the living room. Yet another fun thing to do during Winter Break. Got 45 dollars in Kinokuniya's gift certificates... and blew it all yesterday at said Kino's in a period of maybe an hour. ^_^ Upside: got many new pretty things. Picked up Dragon Knights 4 and hit a major plot wall - Rath is FREAKY WEIRD. He's a Dragon Knight, but he's bleeding psycho sometimes. Creeeeeepy. I can't read all the kanji, but I gather that he's either a)a demon or b)posessed. Not sure yet. But Vierres knows Rath is psycho, because Rath chopped off his arm many years ago and Vierres just recognized him so they're doing a lovely battle of doom thing every few pages. Yay. Thats and Rune need to hook-up. I can't read some of what they say, but they're cute together and Thats took a major bloody blow to the chest to protect Rune. Such a pretty near-death scene. Joy. Also picked up an Asuka CLDX production whose title I can't remember... Damn. Anyway, four stories one which includes a rather odd brother-love thing... and the other where the son of some bishop acts like the Devil. I got confused and didn't really care to look up some of the words. The art is pretty though - yay for shallow needs. Let's see...four new Copic markers and two new pens round out my $44.16 purchase. Yay. Then Kaasama bought me a new eraser and I was very much pleased. ^_^ Today is the first day back at school and I'm sitting on my free right now while I avoid all the homework I received on the (emphasis here) FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. ... Honors English, Psychology, World Religion, Prayer (remember, I attend a Catholic high school), and Calculus so far. Those are nearly all of my classes. *sigh* The greatest lie in the Universe - Senior Year is Easy. Blargh. The only class not listed in Econ and that's because I haven't had it yet. Tomorrow practice for the spring musical "Annie" starts and I'll be here for a long time... This Sunday I have a group function to attend and that'll take all day... My AFROTC application is due on the 17th while the Mount Holyoke application is due on the 15th... Nyeh. I have a lot to do. This will be an interesting month. Must go catch up on Boy Meets Boy and the Very Secret Diaries now. I have missed them for far too long.
Saturday December 21, 2002 Winter Solstice. Woot. Well, it's almost time to go off on vacation. I won't be around for a week like I said earlier and all of today has been spent cleaning my room. >P Oh well, it's mostly clean and now I'm packed. We leave at 5 in the morning tomorrow...ugh, which means I have to get up at 3 to get ready - or earlier. I am not a morning person. I also couldn't find a picture I wanted to tweek and send to it's going to be late. XO I spent all day cleaning up The Abyss, but had a pleasant surprise when I woke up this morning. A long distance friend called up out of the blue. A very good thing because I lost her phone number and she had changed e-mail addresses so I couldn't contact her until now. ^_^ Yay. About my room: I can't believe how much college crud I have stored up. It's amazing... Two or three boxes (the ones used to hold computer paper) worth of crap from colleges I'm not even applying to...or was never considering. I don't know why I kept all the stuff. How odd. Kaasama, Tousama, Grandma and I all went out to dinner because we didn't want to clean dishes tonight. Then Tousama wanted to go buy a new cribbage board and we stopped at Walmart. Yes, we stopped at WALMART the Saturday before CHRISTMAS. We were freaking insane. I've never seen a more disheveled store in my life. On the plus side saw a cute punk guy at the store... Not that I talked to him, I have no "dating" life. Don't even understand the concept to tell the truth. It escapes me. When I return I shall be old enough to own a license and vote. Yay. I could have owned a license long ago, but there was no need and I don't like cars. They're fun to stare at and discuss, but I've had far too many visions of me dying in car crashes to ever really enjoy driving one. It sounds disturbing, but after awhile you just get used to dying all the time in your dreams. ^^; Yeah. Must finish packing! I have to clean out Seki and Koyasu's cage - again. It has to be clean before we leave or the smell will kill us all when we return. Merf. Off I go.
Friday December 20, 2002
In Joy and Sorrow, Him : is playing now. Oddly, Him is called Her in America... It's supposed to stand for His Infernal Majesty... apparently according to American labels in America Him is a cross-dresser. >P He has good vocals though. Saw LOTR:Two Towers on Wednesday at the 4:10 showing. Meimi and I went and ended up meeting Alicia, Katie, Angela, and Jennell (...I just realized I don't know how to spell her name. XO) so we kinda slipped into line by them instead of standing at the back alone. Yay for us. If you don't want spoilers for LOTR:TT, stop reading. There's lots of humor and that's good. Legolas grew a brain and now totes witty lines such as: (to Gimli) "Do you want me to describe it to you or get a box?" I love him. I have gotten attached to Aragorn now. He is becoming a king, but he's still not king yet. He has all the good qualities. ^_^ Was much enthused by the amount of stuff for fangirl brains to feast on. Legalos and Aragorn and Sam and Frodo and such. They used stock footage for the Palamir shots with Sarumon and Christopher Lee was hardly a matter of fact, Ian McKellan was hardly there either. Damn. I like them. No explanation about how Gandalf is now a demi-god... I haven't read the books because Tolkien bored me with the introduction to Hobbit Weed so I didn't know until Meimi told me about it. x.x We can forgive Peter Jackson though because he handled the 45 minutes of battle scenes very well. Lots of good dialogue (though partly drowned by the screaming hordes of dying people) and it was punctuated with scenes of relative calm with Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard. Joy. Frodo and Sam were Not In The Movie. And when they were Meimi pointed out that Sam stole the scene. Not that we mind, we like Sean Astin. Yo to you. Sam rocks. That and we agreed - Frodo acts like a girl in this. Sam must compensate. Meimi has no idea how Elijah Wood got his voice so squeaky and soft since it is not his normal voice... I don't mind, I like it. Go You. I wanted to smack Eowyn though...she needs to stay away from Aragorn. He's taken by Arwen, despite the fact that he decided to be a boy and refuse her love. ...that and I'm too amused by the amount of "friendliness" and "loyalty" between Aragorn and Legolas. Gimli becomes comic relief in this because Merry and Pippin are off trouncing through the forest on Treebeard. Sarumon gets his butt kicked by trees and I wanted to laugh, but rather sat and enjoyed the movie magic instead. Gimli can't ride a horse to save his life. I laughed. Andy Serkis deserves our love because he played Gollum and then got replaced by a digital model. So yes, that is him skirting across the ice-covered rocks. He did a bang-up job. I like him now. ^_^ Op Ivy, Artificial Life. Yay. I want the CD...but must save my money yet. My wrists are dead now. I also fell out of my bed and I think I hurt my ankle/foot. My entire right side of my body had gone numb and the phone rang. So, half asleep, I jump out of bed placing my weight on my right foot. My arm crumples and so does my leg and I slam onto the ground. Not fun. This happened yesterday. It sucked, my foot hurts. So does my pride, but not as much. I have come to expect stupid things from me every once in awhile. Bought my first Hot Topic shirt and am very proud of me. "I Live in my Own Little World, but it's okay - they know me here." And a sticker that says "One by One the Penguins Steal my Sanity." I like Penguins. They're nifty. Got a soap thingy with a caroling penguin topper from a Secret Santa and was very much pleased. She didn't even know about the sticker. Go her. I don't know what else to say now and I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff...I'm still replying to e-mails...and trying to get ready for a trip I'm taking soon. Will be gone for a week, but will try to find an internet cafe or something so I can update this. I feel horrible for leaving it so long - I'm surprised Blog-kun hasn't eaten my soul yet. Now my wrists really hurt...gurg. Going to sleep now. Tomorrow I have to pack and after that I have to clean my room... Kinda like World War II in there...hrm. Oh, stopped by my Tracker site and thanks to all of you who have been randomly popping into the blog. E-mail me sometime. My class load should be nicer this semester so I can actually be civil and reply. Off to bed now.
It's finally Christmas/Winter Break and I'm going to freaking enjoy it. I can reply to e-mails, write to friends who probably think I'm the rudest jerk in the world, and work on a new layout. No homework. No finals to which I must return (did them all this week). No crap to deal with. Just me, the internet, and stockpiled e-mails. I don't know if I even remember how to HTML anymore. *cries* So as for me, I've changed a lot I suppose...but not in the bad sense. Hopefully. Punk music kicks arse. Op Ivy. Woot. So does British slang. Black has officially become my clothing shade of choice (it was before, but now I own more. Mwahahahahah). I'm halfway through my senior year. My hair is an off-shade of semi-permanent amethyst. I still don't drive (guess that's not a change...). I have applied to six schools and the Air Force. I've been through a lot of sh*t too. One of my friends started to pull away at the beginning of the year without warning and for days at a time would ignore or snap at me for just saying "hello." Yeah, it's fun being treated like sh*t beneath the dirt of someone's heel. I never talked to her about it, but it just blew over one day and was gone. So it'll stay that way because, frankly, I hate conflict between friends and just weathered the storm instead. In hindsight it wasn't the wisest thing to do, but it happened and I'll leave it at that. Oh, yeah, I blot out the cuss words on my own, I'm stupid like that. About the Air Force, Kaasama doesn't want me to go in, but I figured if I really want to experience military discipline it's the best place to be (duh). It's also great on the resume and I'll serve a greater purpose as an underling. I have high aspirations. If I go to Bennington College in Vermont (it's my first choice for college) I won't go into the Air Force though. Bennington has everything I want with Scripps and USF coming in close seconds...kinda sad to say that. All the colleges are places I want to go, it's just that some of them I want to go to more. Yah. I was listening to Mozart's Requiem earlier, pretty song/music/thingy. Now it's Pachelbel's Canon in D. Yay. Completely pointless note. All of you should read this: Boy Meets Boy. As Sandra says, "It's like the gay odd couple, only sexier." It pleases me greatly. Tis witty and comical. Enough to make me smile. New blogs I've become addicted to, whose owners don't know I read: Your Reality Check's Journal Collin Sri'vastra. His wit makes my day brighter, not that I'd tell him that. He'd probably try to kill me. Twentieth Century Fox's LiveJournal K. "Fox" Maharassa. His title of the blog changes every once in awhile so I just live by the moment of what he's calling it. Good stuff. Nice guy. Makes me smile when I read, posts often. Yay. New bands: Stabbing Westward = my joy. Pretty vocals. Operation Ivy = hell yah. Song: John Rzeznik, I'm Still Here = love. I want this song on repeat 24 hours a day. Okay, I don't know what else to say until I can get my blog updated fully. I have lots of new quizzes to post, but I can't do it now. ..I don't know where they are on my harddrive. Fuuma's being bitchy and keeps dying on me. Nataku thinks its ink is dead even though it's NOT. Kakyou is the only computer component still working. The mouse is dead...well, the keyboard and speakers still work, but that's the nice part about not have microchips imbedded in your skin. I have to go clean my room, make sure Seki and Koyasu haven't clouded up the water I just cleaned yesterday, deliver tangerines and refresh my brain about HTML so I can make a new layout. It's winter and the layout is for summer. I suck at this.