Wednesday, September 25, 2002

School is still a biotch. Hotmail ate my e-mails and all my mail is gone. Damn you, Microsoft. On the upside, I found the one site that is probably more useless than mine: Once you go there, just enjoy. It says the strangest things and when combined with a sick brain, it says the wrongest things. Yay. I'm off to finish the newspaper and die. Blargh again.

Kaze cursed school at 5:31 PM Friday, September 13, 2002

School is a biotch and I can't cope. XO I haven't been able to write a thing until now and I have a whole new layout planned, but I'm AT school right now and have to blog fast before class starts, but this is just so that people know that I'm still alive and kicking and screaming about how all I want is to watch anime and kick school in the royal arse so I can stay online and reply to e-mails which I haven't even read because there is NO time in my schedule and I'm going to go off and eat lunch before I drop and then try to finish an art project which was due yesterday. .... Blargh.

Kaze cursed school at 12:22 PM

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Drama CD, Gravitation
Woot, not dead, just very very tired and very very busy. First time online in a month, not counting the labs in Japanese class. Class is kicking my butt and I found a freakin' huge spider in my bed which kept me up to unnecessary hours in a huge fret over whether or not the damn thing bit me and I was going to die. I HATE, with a freakin' big passion, spiders. Damn creatures do NOT need that many legs and eyes.

So I am not dead, but I am still dead in a very un-dead-busy sort of way. And Blog-kun is trying to kill me, so I have to go because Japanese homework does not wait and neither does the kimatsushiken (final exam) which is on Thursday and for which I have not studied. Damn essays.

And college. Deciding on colleges sucks. Yes. Yes, it does.

Kaze sipped a lemonade and died at 9:08 PM

Wednesday June 5, 2002

Anti-Nostalgic, Gravitation
Ross (Dress for Less) is a great place to shop. It's cheap and it has all the random things I wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. My family and I are going on vacation during the summer and I need a bathing suit - my current one is three sizes too small. It's hard to get decent looking one piece suits anymore. Other stores (big department stores like Mervyn's or Sears) have suits for $50 or more; Ross has the same style suits (and ones I would actually wear without public embarrassment) for $6 to $12 at the most. :D So now I have two bathing suits so I don't have to swim in a tank top and shorts. Yay!

Also! XD My great achievement of the day - I found a Ryuuichi shirt! A light tan peasant shirt with frilly sleeves that flow and hang past my fingers. >D Now all I need is Kumagoro and I plan on making one. I ran around the Ross store after I found the shirt talking about Kumagoro and making Ryuuichi-ish noises and now I want Kumagoro. "Sakuma Ryuu~ichi desu~!" XD

Kaasama bought a Kuroneko-sama at Fanime02 and has it hanging around her office. I still to blog about Fanime. O.o But I forgot most of it. XO Well, I didn't forget - how could I forget? I'm just lazy and will blog it later. But! Kaasama has Kuroneko-sama in her office and she likes Kuroneko-sama more, but she does admit the cuteness that is Kumagoro. ^^; She knows nothing of Gravitation's storyling... Eh, she still likes Kumagoro and Ryuuichi. They're "cute!" as she put it. XD Yay!

Ross also had tight pleather Ryuuichi pants, but I don't have a 17 inch waist with four feet long legs so I couldn't buy them. I'm a short Asian person. >.< My hair also bleached out in the sun and now it's brown rather than black. Damn. I want the Ryuuichi pants (only $5.00!). One day I'll find a diffferent size and hem them if I have to. I. Want. Those. Pants!

Today is a Gravi day. and Anti-Nostalgic fanfiction archives are my main Gravi hangouts for when I have these days. Want more! XD Most interesting fic I've read so far for Gravi is here. Not necessarily my favorite - I hardly play favorites with anything - but I liked the direction it took. Interesting....

Kaze sipped a lemonade at 11:05PM

Sleepless Beauty, Nittle Grasper (Gravitation)
12% Nittle Grasper Pure, 88% Corrupt XD I wish it were more, but I don't fantasize about Noriko. She's cool though. I. Wanna. Be. Ryuuichi! XD Damn this blog is getting big. O.o Archive coming later. ^^; I'm becoming more and more Gravi-oriented all because of a shirt and a quiz. And I hate clothes shopping - maybe that's why I'm not like Touma. ^^; Stylish, pretty man.

Kaze sipped a lemonade at 11:39PM

Thursday June 6, 2002
Rage Beat, Bad Luck
Is there no decent picture of Ryuuichi's frilly shirt? XO It's famous and I've seen ONE side shot of it...without Ryuuichi's face in the frame. XO XO XO I realized the shirt I bought isn't a Ryuuichi frill-shirt - but I could see it being in his closet somewhere. It has the wacked out sleeves and such. ... Yeah. I still want a Kumagoro. XD

Tousama burnt his hand...2nd degree burns... by igniting a gas drum and nearly blowing himself up. 9_9 I love you, Tousama, but you must be more careful. And he won't even go to the hospital about it despite the nasty looking blisters. x.o It'll get better though - Tousama's a trooper. I love my dad. :D

Kaze sipped a lemonade at 12:03AM

Wednesday June 26, 2002
Going on vacation for a week and then diving right into going to an intensive study program is never good for the health of the blog. This is honestly the first time I've been online-online in nearly two weeks. Enrolled at a graduate college to learn Japanese and ended up being placed in the Intermediate class. It' I come home dead tired and still have to do my shukudai so I don't fail. Right now I'm supposed to be tracking down a Japanese student to ask them about juku (cram school) for my homework, but the blog called to me. More or less it was like this:

Blog-kun: *in a quiet yet threatening voice* It has been three days now...and you're still ignoring me...
Me: x_X I'm about 2 hours away from you at a houseboat...
Blog-kun: Then you better pay attention to me when you get back. *pout*
One Week Later
Blog-kun: You're NOT paying ATTENTION to ME.
Me: *is dead with Japanese study materials all around the bed* Ufuuuu...
Blog-kun: Pay attention to me or I'll send rabid mongeese after you... or I'll make Arai-kun's picture crash. *GLARE*
Me: x_O Okay....

So here I am...I just missed my bus to go home, I still need to study and complete my homework, and I'm too damned shy to go up and ask a Japanese student "Interview o shitemo ii desu ka?" >o< Sometimes it sucks to be polite, honest, and shy. Why oh why can't I BS my way through life?

It has been interesting going to school everyday on the public buses. Especially in the afternoons when it is a different group everyday. But the one thing that really pisses me off is rude people. Just the day before yesterday some bratty older lady was sprawled out over the handicap area with her crap sitting on one seat as she reclined across the others and when someone who came on was handicapped the jerk wouldn't move. She just stared at him like he had leprosy and was below her and "why should I move my crap" expression on her face. Someone else moved their stuff so he could sit in front and he turned to her and said, "God bless you." I really felt like slapping this lady (she was middle-aged looking and could very well have moved) when she just stared at him and said "F*ck you."

To say the least, people like her always get their just rewards in the end. If she believes in a heaven and a hell, I can tell you right now she'll be nice and toasty warm when she dies. *growls* I can't stand people who are rude like that. Feed them to the Killer Rabbit... No, I wouldn't even do that to the poor rabbit. Damn smeghead.

On the brighter side I met a very nice older man on the bus who was interested in Japanese language. So thank you to whoever you were, Sir - you brightened my week after such a crappy experience with the idiot.

The houseboat was nice - warm, sunny, relaxing - everything that being back here isn't... Mostly hung around the boat and slept, ate, read, did crosswords, played cards, and tried skiing again. I don't want to drive the speedboat and I'm glad they didn't make me drive or I would have panicked. Especially after coming upon a boating accident while heading to one of the marinas. A small speedboat had hit a wave and flipped, causing the driver to go through the windshield and the passenger (both were men) to fly from the boat. The driver went to the marina for medical attention, but the passenger wasn't hurt. Tousama,Kaasama, Stephanie, Christina and I hung around with some other boats to make sure the guy's speedboat wouldn't sink.

It's amazing how stupid people can be - usually if six boats are clustered around an area and all are holding up the orange flags (indicating something is in the water) and are WAVING AT YOU TO SLOW DOWN, it isn't the best idea to gun your boat and drive by waving like a bunch of bloody drunk fools. The boat did eventually sink into the water, but it still had a foot or two of the bow sticking up when someone finally decided to drag it to shore. The sherriff was too far away and the barge wasn't operational - but before then everyone was afraid that if we tipped the boat the air pocket keeping it afloat would go and drag both the speedboat and your boat under the water. They ended up dragging it to the shore with a few difficulties and left it in 30 feet of water - much better than the 200 feet it had been sinking into previously. After seeing that I don't think I'll be driving the speedboat for a very long time. x_X

So now it's back to studying and killing myself over grades. Joy. Must go or I'll miss my bus again and have to walk the 20 something miles back home. Fun. Bai bai, Blog-kun - minna.
Kaze sipped a lemonade at 4:50PM