Thursday 30 October 2003
BGM: Loreley, L'Arc

Oh dear god I am happy. xD
44.3787% - Major Geek

xD Yay!

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 10:50AM

BGM: None


You are the mysterious night and all its sounds. No
one knows much about you or what and how you
think, unless they're really close. You prefer
the peace and solitude. You are quiet and don't
express many of your feelings. If you had the
ability to be invisible, you would love it, and
take advantage. You are more of a nocturnal
person and don't really like going out much,
but the thing about you is that you may know
how to have a good time. Hmm. Anyway, have a
Happy Halloween, Shadowy One.

What Halloween Figure Are You? (Fun Quiz! MANY RESULTS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You have the eyes of a hawk. You're very much aware
about your surroundings and the situations that
you're in. People can't touch your things
because you would immediately notice what's
been touched or what's missing. You can analyze
people's thoughts and actions quite well.
That's good for you. Don't lose that sharp
vision of yours.

What Animal Eyes Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

No one would really know your name. You would be
called by what you do. For example, if you burn
your victims to death all the time, you would
be known as The Arsonist, or if you knife them,
you would be known as The Slasher. You would be
the mysterious killer who strikes at sporadic
times, and would be very difficult to catch.
You might dress up and mask yourself when you
perform your horrible killings. Your identity
would really be a mystery. Obviously you would
be wanted all over the place, and authorities
would desperately try to capture you. Even if
you were caught, you would not say much. The
public would greatly fear you because you could
just strike unexpectedly.

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
brought to you by Quizilla

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 10:50AM

BGM: Milky Way, L'Arc

Mask of DOOM! xD You have no idea how much that title made me squee when I have not slept more than six hours at any given time in the past four days. And just to clarify, I have feeling fine - I have a lot of work to do, and the reason I had a shit day was not because of any of my friends. I don't really want to ever talk about it again, so while I thank everyone for their concern it has become a dead issue to me and it's time to stick it in the archives, aye? So yes, interesting how no one comments on the actual entry, but on the entry after that. O.o;;

My outfit makes me look like an evil gay pimp. I should take a picture of it. I might make it the villain's outfit for the comic Benji and I are doing - it would be odd, but fun. O.o And then again, I won't. xD Going to Knott's Scary Farm tonight - want to dress up, but not sure if I should. Bu.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 10:25AM

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Monday 27 October 2003
BGM: Loreley, L'Arc

Feel better, and just to let you all know it wasn't anything any of you did, it was just a bad moment and things that happened RL that ate me. So Japanese midterm over, that sucked, but it's done. I'm getting tired of this layout - any suggestions? Quizzes have been updated and I just realized that I'm missing out on a whole other level of the Vampires! game that I never knew existed. O.o Oh well, Vampires is fun and I'll keep playing, but it's the character that I've made with it that has my attention now. Running three separate timelines for Eolian is a kick in the pants, but I'm having fun. RPing him with Tomo-chi in the future after the clans are dead, RPing him now in the Vampires! game, and his backstory which I just have no motivation for suddenly. O.o I need to write more, but since it seems only one person is reading maybe I'll just send it to them. ^^; Meh.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 12:55PM

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Sunday 26 October 2003
BGM: Going Down in Flames, 3 Doors Down

I feel like shit.

Fill the holes the razor left in you
You leak and leak from rust and age
No one wishes to patch you anymore
             There is no use to patching
There is no one to do the patching
             No one cares to fill the hole

You used to be a perfect tool
Galvanized and shiny through and through
Now who is to want to look at you
             There is no use to looking
There is no one to do the looking
             No one cares to fill the hole

Let the rain seep through your hide
You leak and leak from hate and rage
No one wishes to make you their mistake
             You are only careless folly
There is no use for careless folly
             No one wants to fill the hole

I don't wish to elaborate, wrote the poem because of what just happened. It was SHIT. Don't comment please. Please don't comment.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 1:38AM

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Friday 24 October 2003
BGM: Re-Connect, Anathema

So I went to bed this morning at 9:30AM after spending nearly 12 hours on a text RPG with Tomo-chi. ..oops. It was fun though. Fell asleep and woke up at 5:30PM today. Another oops. There are fires in the hills and solar flares so that means a)ash is raining down on the school and b)random power outages. It's fun! Benji and I believe that these are signs of the Apocalypse and that somewhere there is a hero doing battle with the forces of Evil. And we'll never know because the Third Sign won't come and the world won't end. Damn.

Benji got boots today at Hot Topic and we were much with the happy. So Benj wore boots, a red polka-dotted skirt and her grey shirt with the red tribal design on it to dinner. I felt out of place next to her with just my flight-suit and a shirt on so I changed into my Punk Shirt(tm) with the weird links running down the side and wore the flight-suit as pants. Yay for outfits. There is a marked hole where the punk population is supposed to be on campus. We filled it tonight. Then at dinner this guy walked up and sat down saying, "I..uh.. judge from your outfits that you... might like Industrial music?" When we said, "Eh, sorta?" because we don't really know anything about different genres since we just listen to Music in General; he invited us to go clubbing in LA to some place called Perversions. xD Spiff-tastic, thought I. Benji concurred. We gave him our e-mails and he left. It is a good night.

Tonight is the second night of the Fall Concert Series with the choir singing Beethoven's 9th. Last night we had a standing ovation and everything was with the cool. Tonight is also possibly ITR and definitely Ghost in the Shell and the Matrix at anime club. Oh so happy. xDD Plus I got a random letter from my cousin. w00t.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 6:41PM

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Wednesday 21 October 2003
BGM: Itsuka Kaze ni Naru Hi, Chitose Hajime

Been awhile. But I technically came back on Monday although I had not enough in me to be able to blog - twas tired and had things to do. Watched Benny and Joon and Don Juan de Marco on Monday with Benji and another friend. Benny and Joon is one of the few romantic comedies I'll actually sit through because the romance is secondary to the actual plot - plot is good. I normally hate romacom, but this was really good. Plus both had Johnny Depp and we're having Johnny Depp fits at the moment. Yesterday biked down to the mall (two towns over) in 100 degree heat. Fun. Bought stuff I probably shouldn't have bought, but it was good. Now I have a penguin squirt gun and as we all know penguins are GODs. Plus a flight-suit thing that was on sale so I'm wearing that and my 99cent dog collar with dragon embroidery. It's an actual dog collar, but it fit me so I bought it. Grawr. I have food and my peaches from home spoiled the day after I got them back to the dorms so I'm sad. ;_ ;

Home was a good thing - I missed it so much. Tousama made ribs and Kaasama and I trounced about all weekend. We ended up making most of the Taiki outfit, but I won't have it done in time for Halloween because the undershirt is so hard to do. x_X I did most of the jacket (i.e. sewing it up, cutting patterns, etc.) except for the trim, but now I'm whip-stitching the whole thing up and hemming the sleeves. It's an adventure for me because it's the first real piece of sewing I've ever done. O.o It was so good to be home though, I can't stress that enough. I really missed my parents and they were home all weekend so I was able to be with them for a full 72 hours. We went out to dinner at one of my favorite 'fancy-ish' restaurants and I had a chocolate milkshake in a dark chocolate bag that is so tasty that it makes me want to die. I was happy. My cats were just as freakish as ever and kept screaming for me to open my bedroom door all night until about 4AM when they fell asleep (or until I opened the door for them). It was great. All of it was. I saw my dog and the fish and the turtles who are getting too freaking big for their own good. Cats just sniffed me for a full day until they remembered who I was, then it was "Meruru! /point/" and Meruru: /flop/ PUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR. Good times, good times.

Now I'm back at school and classes started again. Damn.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 10:21AM

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Thursday 16 October 2003
BGM: Blind, Adom9

Went to see Michael Moore and listen to him talk, it was interesting and it really solidified the fact that I agree with liberal ideas but not extreme liberalism which I just find defeating. He was interesting. I liked him. Yay.

Am going home tomorrow at 6:27AM which will suck because I hate mornings. But I'm going home and that's all that matters. Will be back around Sunday/Monday and will blog and catch up with people. Damn I miss home. My crapload of homework will suck arse, but there's nothing I can do about that so I might as well just do it and get it over with. MidTerm Week is coming up shortly so don't expect a lot of coherence from me starting late next week. I'll be busy trying to recram all of Core and Japanese into my brain. It hurts. Really, it does.

I get to read Marx's Manifesto. Go me.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 11:53PM

BGM: Crucify, Tori Amos

So I'm late on this...again. 9_9 But seriously, yes - screw Marriage Protection Week. You can't hide your prejudices and discrimination behind a neat little title - why don't people realize that loving someone of the same sex doesn't mean that your love is any less valuable than a heterosexual relationship? For the love of humanity, people, get a mitt and catch a clue: homosexuals are people and they deserve to be treated with the same respect that all people get. Damn, you think we'd have figured it all out after Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life for equality.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 12:27AM

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Wednesday 15 October 2003
BGM: None

You all have to see this. And be happy, damn you, be happy. I'm going home for the weekend and will be stuck working for hours tonight. ... I hate life.

But that link brightens everything, I'm putting it on loop.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 7:25PM

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Monday 13 October 2003
BGM: Fear, Sarah McLachlan

Oh my fluckking God, I'm actually happy with something that I did. O_O So go comment on it, or comment here, but please comment or my fragile ego will forever be crushed. You can even tell me it sucks. I don't care, just please comment.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 1:54AM

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Sunday 12 October 2003
BGM: None

w00t, just came back today from the Bakersfield Business Conference and was muchly amused by it all. Was able to see/hear important and influential people speak about their success and the economy among other things. Cal Ripken Jr., Neil Armstrong, Deborah Norville, Christopher Buckley, Jesse Ventura, Sergei Krushchev, and Nancy Reagan were there with a bunch of other people like Alan King and Phil Gramm and J.C. Watts. It was extremely interesting - especially Sergei Krushchev because he spoke on Russia's current issues with economy and politics as both a historian for Russia and as Nikita Krushchev's son. xD Nancy Reagan being there was a surprise guest spot but was intensely tear-jerking because she came to honor the memory of her husband's having come to the convention twice before he was hit with Alzheimer's. There was tons of free food and whatnot and at night there was a kick arse fireworks display and a band playing with John Mueller as a Buddy Holly impersonator. He just rocked my socks off. Buddy Holly was God. They also had a Richie Valens and the Big Bopper impersonators (the Big Bopper was done by the Bopper's own son. xD). It was so uber-cool and I got to spend the weekend with my parents and that just rocks.

So yes, it was a good weekend for me. xD Now I have to read Frederick Douglass' Narrative to prepare for Tuesday and write a crapload of stuff, but I don't care. xD I got to see Neil Armstrong and he's been my hero since I first learned that the moon existed. He wanted to fly since he was 15 years old and he achieved his dream - how flippin' awesome is that? Plus he's uber-smart and blows my brains out with how intelligent he is. xD So off to do homework and work on DA because there are 50+ entries and it hurts.

Random: Quiz de pon!

You're an untouchable. People like you make people
like me sad. You're gorgeous, inside and out,
but you're just a bit chilly and don't take
well to being touched. I'll get you someday!

How Glompable Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 7:01PM

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Friday 10 October 2003
BGM: Black Angel, Weiss Kreuz


The World Is MINE! by Demonac
You will conquer:Canada (and they even apologize for resisting you).
Your title will be:Priscus
You will succeed by:Getting yourself elected (by a miscount due to hanging chads).
Your Enforcers will be:The Teletubbies (with their army of children and hypnotic powers).
Your first act as ruler:Claim to be "bigger than Jesus!"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 1:22AM

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Thursday 9 October 2003
BGM: None, the roomies are sleeping

Priston Tale is eating my life. xD Got up far too late this morning and missed the first ten minutes of Japanese class - pisser. Stayed up late last night to study Japanese with Benji and had fun. xD We're going to draw a comic that features Benji as the Hero (her anime character type), Barbara (a mutual friend) as the Damsel in Distress, and me (Mickey) as the Villain. Osu.

Had to explain the ITR games at Japanese table today at lunch. you have any idea how hard it is to explain something in a foreign language that you can't even put into words in your native tongue? I had to explain LARPing to the poor confused sensei and I couldn't tell her what ITR meant since I don't know myself. ...I don't think anyone really knows what ITR stands for. But I rambled on about how we played story lines and stabbed people with duct tape daggers that we make ourselves. She stared. It was funny. xD

Priston Tale~ I'm a Pikeman at Lvl 7 known as Drahael if anyone wants to party up with me. xD I'm at such a pathetically low level. xDD

Also, will be gone all weekend with the parents who are coming down to take me away to a conference/symposium thing with world leaders and authors and whatnot. Sadly, as Neil Gaiman is in Europe right now he won't be there. I'm reading Coraline right now so I can analyze its relevance to houses and identity for my Writing 50 class. w00t. Am also learning l337 so beware. I'll get around to posting the second part of Eolian's backstory soon, it's just taking longer than expected. Plus PT is eating my soul - you know how it goes. Random link of the day! Aren't you lucky?

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 3:04PM

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Tuesday 7 October 2003
BGM: Blind, Adom 9

Okay so I got Priston Tale but it doesn't like me at all. I'm trying to open it up and blam it tells me I have a virus. /insert obligatory freak out/ So I clean the files and clean them and CLEAN them and I still have the virus warning. ... Priston, you're so pretty, why do you hate me? xO

Updated quizzes. Also am writing a story involving Eolian and have the first 'chapter' up at DA. Please comment there or here, because I'm pathetic when it comes to self-esteem. Damn I want to play Priston and be a Pikeman. XO And I realize I'm ignoring Whispered Nothings...really, I do. It's just that I'm uber-lazy and will eventually get around to placing things there. Really. I swear. It's more of an archive site anyway. x_X /dies/

I need to get into this RPG. XD

I'm a fallen angel!

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 10:36PM

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Monday 6 October 2003
BGM: Towa ni, Gospellers

XD I have to play this game somehow:

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 9:11PM

BGM: Judgement, Anathema

So instead of doing actual work like I should have been doing, I ended up watching the first episodes of two new series. And now I shall inflict my dull wit on all of you poor hapless victims. And I spell Judgement with an 'e' like the British do... I just do, don't ask why.
Saiyuki: Reloaded It's Saiyuki. Come on, we love it in its weird pointless beginning episodes. I never actually watched the entire first series...I should. Animation is pretty good and they're still sniping at each other. They kept the original cast, good for them. Kougaiji comes back in the second episode. Yay.
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien I'm still waiting for something not predictable to happen. Granted its only the first episode, but it was the typical 'date my friend because she likes you' anime and well... it was pretty, but the plot lacked. We know that Narumi likes Mitsuki and Mitsuki like Narumi, but that neither of them will get the sweet lovin' because Mitsuki has this psychotic devotion to Haruka who likes Narumi and won't get in her way. It makes them miserable. Unless this later involves some major plot twists, I'm not going to continue eating Fuuma's harddrive space with this. was pretty though. XD Art value!
Tsukihime I don't know if I wrote about this earlier, but I did watch the prologue. Dear God, I'm waiting for Saikou to put more of this out. The prologue majorly kicked ass and I want to know why the main guy is such a f*cked up person. He just randomly slashes this girl to death and sees lines everywhere (people say he's crazy). O.o Lots of stuff happened that made my head spin, but combined with good animation this is really shaping up to be one heck of a must-see. xD
Read or Die Just go watch it. It's cool. They kill things with paper. Or not really kill so much as transform into giant birds and carry passenger jets to safety with paper. It rocked. I want more. MORE! xD
Juuni Kokki No, it's not a new anime, but you all should watch it anyway. Go before I sick my army of sheep-riding rodents after you. GO!

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 9:00PM

BGM: Yuzurenai Negai, MKR

This is just another excuse for me to love my car and post Friday Fives where they're not supposed to be. xD DA site hit the 100 mark so I'm doing Dragon Knights fanart for the kiriban - why? ...someone suggested it and the world needs more DK fanart. xD

1. What vehicle do you drive?
My grandfather's old car - a white 1992 Chevrolet Lumina. I named it Alseides Frodo. You know Alseides Frodo. It kicks arse and eats cars and people who get in my way. ^_^ Yay for Alseides' pent-up rage unleashed and the strange ever-hunger of the hobbits.

2. How long have you had it?
Under six months...I still dont' have a license, so technically I don't really 'have' it at all. ... /coughs/

3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
It eats people and stupid cars. Rawr. /huggles AF/ It also has an identity crisis since it doesn't know if it's supposed to be burning the town or saving the Earth from a flaming eyeball. It also looses speed on the hills and can go at 35mph for miles without my having to press the gas once. /huggles AF/ I love my car.

4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
Flippin' roll down windows. Manual crank sucks.

5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
I love my car, why would I trade it in? Unless I could get the real Alseides and actually get it to eat people. That would be fun. I'd still miss AF though. /huggles car AGAIN/

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 11:38AM

BGM: Colorblind, Counting Crows

You're A Villian! You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of
your way.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Woo, one last post before I die into bed. I hate mornings.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 1:43AM

BGM: Changes, 3 Doors Down the traffic on the page has dramatically increased, but no one seems to like to tell me that they're watching me at all. O.o Who ARE you people? I found out recently that Zonkboard will be pulling its free boards, but Halo has the little free comments at the bottom of every post so... say hi? Saying "Hi" to me would be very advisable so I don't get paranoid and stop posting just to see how many people show up for no reason. O.o I don't mind the increased traffic - it makes me quite happy actually, but I'm just wondering where you all come from when before I would get one or two hits a day and know that it was probably my friends. Now it's up to 20 hits a day and I'm confused as to who's coming by. =^.^= It's fun to know that people are dropping by though. Sankyuu.

Damn I need to archive. Didn't mention it here, but I posted this comment on DA about the story I'm writing for Eolian, my vampire character: I need beta-readers to check for plot holes and whatnot. If you're interested, post a comment or drop me a line via e-mail or AIM. I'm actually a nice person...mostly. XD No, really. ... /coughs/

I have SunChips! /does the Spasmodic Happy Dance of Joy/ Yay Ralph's and their having my SunChips and water! /dance dance dance/ xD And Benji for suggesting that we ride our bikes down to Ralph's to buy groceries since I've been deficient in salt lately and that's bad. The dining hall doesn't have salty foods. Ever. It's sort of bad because they seem to cater more towards uber-healthy people and since salt isn't the healthiest thing, they rarely have salty foods. Or else their salty foods are far too salty and disgusting. x_X Geh. xD Still love my dining hall though. Oh, and DA went temporarily down, so if it looks like I'm online there - really I'm not.

Nataku and the Frog had a staredown @ 12:27AM

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